Lets talk first time visitors. I need your collective wisdom on - TopicsExpress


Lets talk first time visitors. I need your collective wisdom on how you have found success in getting first time visitors into your churches. Here is a little about us: -Christ Lutheran Church (CLC), Bunnell/Palm Coast, Florida. A relatively new town, founded in 1999, population 80,000. High retiree population, but many young families as well (school district ~14,000 students) -When I arrived here 4.5 years ago, the median age was 81 at CLC. Attendance about 120 per Sunday, at one service. No kids (literally), no Sunday School, no youth group. We were formed from a split with local ELCA church. -Currently, average age has dropped to about 70, we now have a Wednesday night youth group (10-18 youth consistently), a Sunday School, have added a contemporary worship service, and a very contemporary Wednesday evening service. We added multimedia projection to sanctuary; established a monthly beach sunrise service. Sunday attendance at two services in building is approx. 150-160, with overall attendance at all services around 240/week. We have added 50% to the physical space of the church campus. Our biggest challenge is getting visitors in the front door. Far and away. When they come, visitors almost always stay. Our challenges include: -We are located inside a commercial complex. Beautiful facility, but it lacks visibility from the road, and has the stigma (for some) of being in commercial complex. -There are four Lutheran churches in the area. One is WI Synod, and it has an almost identical name and it on the same road as us. That church is smaller, attendance wise, but has a school and great marketing/visibility. -The bulk of our members are still older, and while I believe in word of mouth advertising, we have to keep in mind that most of their social circles are far more established and contain a higher percentage of friends who already belong to a church. So.... what do you all think? Lets talk evangelism and visitors rather than social issues, for a bit. How have you found success in reaching new people. Do you use advertising? If so, what has been most efficient? What has NOT worked? Any collective wisdom for us here in Palm Coast?
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 13:27:56 +0000

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