Letter 5 5/7/1961 To Dreamer, First things first, I have decided - TopicsExpress


Letter 5 5/7/1961 To Dreamer, First things first, I have decided the date that we will meet. One month from the day I wrote this letter. This day is a significant day in my life. This is the day my fiancée killed herself. I want to meet you just like I met her. In a little Italian restaurant because that one day was magical and I’m hoping this one will be too. The only pity I have is self-pity and occasionally pity on others who have it worse than I do but that is very rare to come across. The bass player in the jazz band his name is Johnny isn’t it? Well anyway he seems like a pretty cool guy to hang out with. I have always thought that names are something that makes people different. Without names, people wouldn’t have an identity or a label for them they would just be cattle. You know I just realized that we have a lot more in common than we thought. You see both you and I have a thing with names. You have your thing and I, I have never forgotten a name once. It’s kind of weird I know but that is just how I am. I hear a name and never forget it. I am also the kind of person that can tell a lot about a person by their name or what they are called. If they go by their real name, more times than not they are really successful, others not so much. You know I do have a little bit of money saved up. After we meet I was thinking you and I could take a trip back to my home town and meet all my friends and pack before I move to New York. I am also considering finding a place for James to live with me too. We have talked about living together ever since we were little kids. Wow, those were the days. You know I have dreams of you too. I can’t grasp the idea of someone being as perfectly formed as you and have such great personality too. You know, to be honest, I think I have already begun to fall in love with you. This is the warm feeling that I have not felt in a very long time. If I’m with the person that I love there is nothing that can change my mood. I am really looking forward to meeting you I can’t wait until this day comes. You know, I can understand why you are called Dreamer. You are a person who goes for her goals. As the old saying is, "Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you’ll land upon the stars". You also look like a person with inspiration to help people and I love that about people. That is one of the number one things I look for in a person, is inspiration to do something. Until the day comes, The Broken Man
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 20:37:00 +0000

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