Letter To My Fellow Nigerian Youths Dear Proudly Nigerians, NOW - TopicsExpress


Letter To My Fellow Nigerian Youths Dear Proudly Nigerians, NOW THAT THEY HAVE CHOSEN TO STRIKE US HARD, NECESSITY LEFT US NO CHOICE THAN TO STRIKE BACK COME 2015. Do we need a soothsayer to tell us that the governing bodies so-called government are our future barricades? Having series of conference to make sure our tomorrow is a blatant blackout. It’s now obvious to all and sundry, old and young, tribes and individual that they really don’t give a damn about the lives to come of Nigerian youths. What we’ve so far experience is an expectancy of when the selfish, self-centred reigns. I’m glad they save us the need for group-thinking and campaign on our stance as they have characteristically offer us the choice to choose for ourselves and generations yet unborn but reluctantly, which are to come. Obviously, they are telling us that ‘’Look Youths, if truly you yearn for true and fair-share of democracy and leadership, the path you’ve been turning away from, the hard choices you’ve been shunning all years long, compromising for some currency notes is the only reassuring route to remedy and redemption. The time has come. The time to break our silence has come. The time to tell and let these people know that the strength of any nation lies in the power of the youths. They never fail to amaze me, I heard them saying they don’t have our money but raw cash are available for this , they don’t have our money but printed notes are available for that. Vanity enough, they still don’t have our money but #680M are in store for cellulars. I wonder why their utterances never fail to pass through the laboratory of reasoning before being uttered. They should go for rehabilitation. In all points of view, achievement is a mirage-the geometric increase in unemployment rate, social segregation and all disgusting ones to talk about. But I must acknowledge those who have thrown their weight behind the fight against all these especially unemployment saga. Prominent one, Mr TB Joshua who have publicly speak out for the cause and many others to thank. Only God can reward you all. We’re on the move now. We are marching on to put a stop to all these frivolities inspirited like never before with the dauntless spirit of oneness in progress as a whole, not even the marching of mighty ones can halt us. They are busy scheming out 2015 relentlessly, all their eyes focused on power-grab by all ends in means when the power -placers have already displaced and the needs of today are not in deed ­- a signal that our stand have been stunted by their imaginations. Do these people really need to be told that they are on a long thing? Or have they been brain-washed to believing that we as a stake-holder in Nigeria’s status quo will stake our eggs in their basket again? Now that they are still the players, playing on the field, the ball at their feet, they can’t score but all they can do is jostling to be the coach in another season. Well, they can whistle for it but for sure, the writings on the wall is a clear indicator that 2015 will be a clean-sheet and all unproductive players will be relegated. Can you imagine how they have libelled the liberty in our liberality, our silence for stupidity, our sacred rights for a roast and a shook on our shine. What a tragical travesty of justice and defamation of human right. In all these happenstance, we’ve remained calm, composed and matured looking if they will right their wrongs but what have we? What an arbitrary betrayal on our entrusted trust in them, fate-less to our fate, disloyal to our loyalty. But what can mute the voice of millions mining for meaningful change; we will sooner shock and show them the stuffs we are made of. We are hand-fully ready to pay them back in their own coin. For Legacy’s sake, what will it take them to share the dividend s of democracy? Successfully enough for them, their thumbprints have been imprinted in our black book. They asked for it on a large-scale and we will free-willingly supply it to them. We are watching their regalia ride for a fall and we will guard them to their pitfall. Power properly understood is nothing but the ability to achieve purpose. It’s the strength required to bring about socio-economic and political change. What do you call someone whose words are not in accordance with their actions -a Leader? Even a dumb will muster outrightly NO. They once told us they walked bare-footed so we could expect a pair of sandal. By then, they will tell us they slept under the bridge so we can be fooled to expect an air-castled shelter. My fellow countrymen, the battle is now in our hands, the ball is now in our court, our decision knowing fully well that the reaction of our future is the actions of our present almost a resultant effect of what lies or looms ahead. We must come to see the end we seek-a society at peace and harmony with itself, a society that can live with its conscience. Let them keep squaring their circle, but we are more than many, self-mobilised, committed, united like all in one with the spirit of total oneness that has been laid to rest amongst us has risen again, understanding the rudiments of well being and bearing in mind the generations to come can appreciate the grounds we have chosen to stand on today. Aren’t you fed up of this thrash? Their burden is too burdensome to bear. We need right-minded ones to lead us aright. Nigeria is bigger than everybody and it wasn’t easy to begat as a nation if not confronted with courage that cross rubicon by our past leaders, so we can’t be so careless to Esauing it out. When the mischief of obedience are greater than the mischief of disobedience, then cometh our moral right to resist because there are enormous evidence to do so. Let me assure all the acclaimed big-bugs, if they don’t wade off this wayward style of theirs and grab the bull by the horn, the end is predictable. They are Jonahs, they sleep too much. They will soon announce Minister for slumber to wake them up. I know they believe money talks bullshit works, but let it be known that we are ready to prove to them that truly money talks but bullshit stops. 2015 is in all conscience not the permutations and paperwork that they’ve cradled their convictions upon. We are now politically conscious and electorally vigilant. Youths are yelling, theirs are yuppeing. We can’t just wait-running out of patience. Still remain my humble self DNA. Thanks.
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 08:34:53 +0000

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