Letter of support from the Council UC of Faculty Associations. - TopicsExpress


Letter of support from the Council UC of Faculty Associations. Some campuses are striking April 2nd and 3rd. UCSB, however, is one of the campuses only striking April 3rd: Dear Colleagues, The Council of UC Faculty Associations supports the demands made by the graduate student union (UAW 2865) in its negotiations for a new contract and support the unions right to strike on April 2 and 3 if they find it needed to bring negotiations to a speedy and respectful conclusion. We encourage you to read the letter below, written by the graduate student union, which describes the issues and what faculty can do to support the graduate students in their negotiations for better wages and working conditions. Graduate student instructors are essential to the educational mission of the University of California. Currently, UC graduate student workers are underpaid and have higher workloads than at comparable research universities, as shown by a UCOP study of TA compensation ucop.edu/student-affairs/_files/gradsurvey_2010.pdf Ensuring that graduate instructor-led classes are kept at a manageable and consistent size ensures not only equitable treatment for graduate students, but a high quality undergraduate learning experience across the University of California. We urge UCOP to engage in good faith bargaining with UAW and to address the issues over class size, workload, and salary issues. What is good for graduate students is also good for faculty and for undergraduates. Sincerely, The Board of the Council of UC Faculty Associations
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 15:07:36 +0000

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