Letter received from The Island Cruising Association (ICA) - TopicsExpress


Letter received from The Island Cruising Association (ICA) Hello, firstly a quick introduction. Over the last 6 years my Wife, Lyn Martin and myself have run the Island Cruising assoc. Simply put the ICA is there to help would be cruisers by providing resources, education and a support structure that will help them get out there, safely, well prepared and have fun. For more click islandcruising.org The ICA is not a Yacht Club, while we are a membership based organisation it is our firm belief that anyone getting out in a boat should be a member of their local yachting or boating club. The support, mentoring and community a club offers is vital to the success of anyone contemplating spreading their wings. We are however in a unique position to help. Between Lyn and myself, over the last 6 years, we have developed a seminar syllabus that addresses most of the issues likely to be experienced by would be cruisers, added to that at ICA is a huge knowledge base and our experience of over 150,000 combined ocean miles. Just what’s involved? Do I have the right boat? Is this something I can do? How do I set up my boat? These are all questions that come up regularly when we’re speaking to people about cruising whether it’s extended coastal, power or sail, or offshore cruising they’re thinking of. I’ve attached a flier on the series for your information. Our problem however is getting the word out there. This is where you come in. We’d like to invite your members to attend the seminar nearest you. Now I hear you, perhaps, saying why? What’s in it for our club? ICA are committed to the promotion of sailing and cruising in all its forms. There are worrying statistics coming out from various groups that sailing is in decline, we are committed to help stop this decline where we can. As a means towards this, ICA pledge to donate to Youth sailing $50 for every member of your club that signs up for a seminar. This can either be a program run by your club or the national program run by Yachting Australia. Just ask your members to put your club in the “Where did you hear about the seminar” box at the top of the registration form. See the registration form at islandcruising.co.nz/?page_id=1557 I’ve also attached a schedule for the seminar series and when Lyn and I will be in your area. We would very much like to get involved with your club and give a talk with your members on the area we’ve travelled most, the SW Pacific, NZ and the Australian coast specifically and our plans for SE Asia next year. There’s a wonderful world of cruising out there and we’re keen to share this with your members. We look forward to hearing from you and hopefully meeting you on our way through next year. Yours sincerely. -- John & Lyn Martin Island Cruising Assoc.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 06:27:11 +0000

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