Letter to Arne Duncan from a very intelligent and pissed off - TopicsExpress


Letter to Arne Duncan from a very intelligent and pissed off Mom...Wish I had written this! Dear Mr Duncan, It is going to take every shred of self control I have ever developed to not launch into a tirade of expletives and name calling based on your latest statements. However, I will do my best to refrain and instead stick to the facts. First let us address what you actually said. You actually said that white suburban moms are angry in finding out their children are not as brilliant as we thought. Lets ALL digest that for one moment, shall we? I had no idea this was a white thing nor did I know it was a suburban thing. I also had no idea dads were not equally outraged. I believe you threw that statement around because you know there is still somewhat of a 50s mentality silly bored housewife regarding suburban moms. And I think you should be removed immediately for clearly holding that belief. Now lets get to the matter at hand, shall we? COMMON CORE knows no color. It impacts children of all ethnic backgrounds. It knows no monetary boundaries. If a child goes to public school they are under Common Core in 45 states. It knows no gender. Boys and girls are taught this ill conceived, ill prepared, untested program. As the parents and as community members, as well as citizens of the United States of America, we have the right to object and protest loudly when the entire foundation of our educational system i bastardized and turned into a for profit system that degrades the quality of curriculum and instructor. Thats not an issue of color, sir. That is an issue, period. How dare you attempt to undermine the intellect of the suburban mom by the way? Are you under the presumption that we are ladies who lunch and watch Soap Operas on TV? Are you under the assumption we do not have educations, occupations and are contributing members to society and NOT the tennis courts? Are you confused as to how many are primary bread winners in their families? How dare you believe that our children arent as bright as we believed? BASED ON WHAT? A program launched and shoved down our throats that intentionally failed children so that we would BELIEVE that our kids who were graduating and getting into private universities were not actually qualified to do so? A program that has no testing or even quality review for typographical errors? A program that was not studied and was not created by educators? THIS is the measure of which you think we are angry?? Sir we are ANGRY that YOU think our kids arent bright based on this nonsense! We are ANGRY that you have diminished our teachers by stating they are not effective because of this nonsense! WHO is angry? Every father and mother of every child who is being taught a program that is beyond pre frontal cortex development. Every father and mother that objects to big business such as Target purchasing ad spots in the curriculum. Every parent who believes in research and striving for better for our children. Who is not angry? The parents that have yet to see this in full force. Or do not know yet. But they will be. There is a shift here that our Government has become quite confused. You are neither ruler nor dictator. You are not supreme. You are not KING. You are here to serve the people. Ironically you believe you are serving the people with a program that as not voted on by the very elected officials entrusted with voting on behalf of their constituents. That would be the State Legislatures. You snuck the information regarding Common Core into States with coersion and incentives to the Governors WHILE THEIR STATE SENATES were on Vacation. When you can show me a double blind study of pilot programs under common core being more beneficial for the human race, you let me know. When you have pulled your head out of the smoke your cronies are blowing all around you and realize that nobody will tolerate you misrepresentation of the facts of who an why we are angry, you let me know. Education without representation is as egregious as taxation without representation. Our children are not YOUR children nor do we wish to assimilate them to this nonsense in ANY area I know of... suburban, urban, or otherwise. Your immediate resignation and apology are not enough for your latest statement. But it will be accepted. Sincerely, WHITE FORMER URBAN NOW SUBURBAN PISSED OFF MOM
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 19:29:03 +0000

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