Letter to Zimbabwe Independent Economist, Vince Musewe in response - TopicsExpress


Letter to Zimbabwe Independent Economist, Vince Musewe in response to his article, “What if Zanu-PF wins?” Dear Vince. I dismiss the possibility of ZANU PF victory in any free and fair elections. By rigging, violence, intimidation and tempering with voter’s role obvious ZANU PF will win forthcoming 2013 elections. Those who have benefited from Zanu pf land grab are few. In preparation for systematic election rigging ZANU PF wants to create an impression that it has got support from majority of Zimbabweans which is a big lie. Zimbabweans have a long back rejected Mugabe’s ZANU PF. Majority of voter’s are in urban areas. MDC and other opposition parties must not accept elections without electoral reforms and monitoring of International Community or the coming election charade would play into hands of ZANU PF. The stupid, racist and evil SADC will obviously endorse rigged election in Zimbabwe as they have done to 2002 and 2008 elections. In Africa SADC has almost endorsed every dictator and condemned those who fight dictators. Surely every African coconut leader, or hyena or witch has been supported by SADC. Concerning elections majority of Zimbabweans are not foolish to be fooled by an 88 year old Mugabe and his yes ZANU PF Cabinet. Mugabe was rejected in 2002 and 2008 elections. What has he done to change people’s misery? ZANU PF continue to worsen people’s suffering by violence, corruption, killings and seizure of business which is chasing away investors and scaring potential investor’s from the country. Zimbabweans must unite and resist all Zanu PF attempts to perpetuate its illegitimate rule. Zimbabwe business men must also sponsor the struggle for liberation of Zimbabwe not just to wish good things happen. ZANU PF will never ever capitulate, these are extremists and religious fanatics who will kill whoever stand in way of their ambitions. They will order more rockets and heavy arms and tell the MDC ‘go to hell.’ The CIA and M16 are failing to give proper and better advice to MDC to remove the dictator and the MDC is a problem, it does not have the extremism to tell ZANU PF go to hell, we have won 2008 elections we are the legitimate ruler’s of Zimbabwe, we have people’s mandate and authority to govern, Mugabe go, ZANU PF go. If the worst comes to the worst then MDC must form government in exile. I tell you even SADC will shake. The West is the only powers capable of helping MDC or any opposition take power but they will be a serious civil war. The West has ability to tell South Africa and SADC that enough is enough with ZANU PF atrocities. But that can only be possible if the MDC becomes radical or if another radical opposition rise up in Zimbabwe. Collen Makumbirofa Foundation of Reason & Justice zimbabwehope.org. zimbabwecrisis.org
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 11:45:50 +0000

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