Letter to my future wife. Since the advent of computers,mobile - TopicsExpress


Letter to my future wife. Since the advent of computers,mobile phones,social media and other technology related mediums,letter writing is becoming obsolete. We are used to communicating via short messages and pokes. So forgive me if i start this letter in a non methodotical manner. I will avoid the pleasantries and preamble and go straight to the point. Like Bey her of Jay,lately something has been happening to me,i really donno what it is,but its driving me crazy. It all started a few months ago when my mum visited,she reminded me how i look exactly as my dad looked in his day,no sooner had i started smiling than she dropped the bomb. Boyie you are not getting any younger,you need to find yourself a wife. You see she still calls me Boyie,as a tactic to switch the topic,i raised an objection to being called Boyie,she then interjected and promised never to call me by that name once i marry and give her a grandchild which will qualify me to be called baba so and so. I promised to make arrangements towards that end,she asked for a timeline and i gave 24 months thinking that two years is a century. Its 6 months down the line and the reality is staring at me. I need to act quickly and decesively. Dear future mother of my children,from the above explanation,you now see the precarious situation i find myself in,i hope you are reading this because i would like us to be in the same page. I know you have expectations so its only fair for me to have them also. I have been thinking and researching about qualities of a good wife. I expect you to have the the looks and appeal of Beyonce or Rihanna but with the behavior and heart of mother Theresa. I hope you have heard of the latter,if not read about her in wikipaedia. I also hope you read the bible and go to church,you see the good book advises that a good wife is a submissive wife,i dont expect a government of nusu mkate in my house. The same bible i talked about also advises that the husband should be the head and provider of his household. I am cool with that,infact thats the reason why i started Maruko and associates international,with the sole purpose of making money for you,junior and kamum to live a good life. Having said that,i believe you are aware of the saying behind every successful man there is a woman. Its only fare that you find some legitimate way of making some money to supplement my income. I know you have a life,hobbies,dreams and aspirations. I dont intend to stiffle you,coz i also have them. I am willing to make compromises,like you will be free to watch your soaps,but dont expect me to watch them with you inorder to treat you the way Alejandro(hope i spelt it right) treats Manila or whatever name that star actress is going by. Nevertheless i will love you,cherish and treat you in a special way. As a man of art,i love romantic themes,so i will see to it that your peers will envy you by advancing some romantic gestures like buying you gifts,rembering your birthday(thanks to fb), dropping you at work when you dont feel like driving,picking you up as long as its not on Fridays and kissing you infront of them among other surprises. Meanwhile i am sure before we tie the knot you will have known that i love Arsenal and anything football,if you ask around you will realize that football is mostly watched in sports pubs with fellow fans wherher one has installed dstv in his house or not. So baby may that never be a point of conflict and fyi football is also played on Tues and Weds nights and sometimes Monday nights. Better get used to it. I started working out and intend to do so for a long time to remain bila kitambi,i know you will love that,just make sure you will find a way to also remain in shape even after two or three children. Ask Julie Gichuru,i hear she has four kids and she is still in great shape. Dear future wife,i have a great relationship with my family members,especially mum and siblings,make them your friends for us to co exist peacefully. Baby as you very well know,i will be spending most of my time either at work or with you,but i will make some time for my boys,occassionally i might go out especially on Fridays or Saturdays and come in the wee hours,dont let such small issues drive a wedge betwern us,because east or west i will come home to you. I am a fair man,i know about ladies and weddings,so intend to marry you in church before God and man. So future wife,wherever you are,take everything i have mentioned above seriously for its the key to us growing old together.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 15:38:34 +0000

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