Letter to my six brothers re their (finally) recognizing that - TopicsExpress


Letter to my six brothers re their (finally) recognizing that solar power is a viable option: Nikola Tesla said energy is everywhere. Our addiction to fossil fuels and nuclear is nothing but a temporary status quo (fear-based) behavior pattern that will pass. Spirits current partial manifestation as the human species also will pass. We continue to choose the way of the dinosaur, and Judgement Day (what the Hopis call the Great Purification) IS near. Sin is just needing redirection as the arrow gets nearer that target and you see its a little off. If you regular guys hadnt rolled with the status quo fear-based reaction rather than loving response to what I have been into over the years (and I am neglecting to mention my own fear-based status quo reactions), there would have been a different direction in this particular world. Maybe in a parallel universe love rather than fear would have been chosen and they would have hospitalized addicts to e.g. opiates and central nervous system stimulants and legalized under prescription and expert guidance the psychedelic (mind-expanding brain foods (opiates and psychedelics like marijuana have similar molecular stuff already in a healthy brain)...we would be well on the way to establishing a heaven on Earth rather than the apocalyptic hell ensuing now...but the prophets NEVER damned but only warned, and Heaven always beckons. Ask yourself why you were not taught the name Nikola Tesla by grade school. He could be called the father of modern science, was the true inventor of radio, fluorescent lighting, experimented w/radiation, had gifts people still dont think possible such as being able to hear an insect flying in the next room, had his work promptly sabotaged by the same people - Westinghouse, Edison, JP Morgan,...- when his work not only no longer made them money but threatened their profits - such as Westinghouse, who Tesla made money re alternating current invention and creation of the first hydropower at Niagara Falls, but when Westinghouse couldnt deal w/Teslas invention of how to transmit power WITHOUT cable and Westinghouse Cable wouldnt be needed, well the next thing you know Teslas lab gets burned down and Tesla gets called crazy. Well, weve all played our part (consider reincarnation) in the mess were in now. It is in a lot of ways maybe too late, and well maybe be given future lives to learn a little more. Or maybe the sentient beings on this Earth (all life) will fall in love (see how our separation from each other is nothing but illusion) and work together to re-establish a new Eden which was already well on its way to dieing before any of us were born. I feel like you guys dont know how close we are to death, but Im probably wrong. I had out-of-body experiences, like near-death experiences, and, like Aunt Betty, who knew she was dying and was happy anyway (not happy because, like the relatives that threw a party at the Ryan home because they deluded themselves into thinking she had gone into remission), she was happy because she had already been there and - like Daddy, who spoke of cancer as his friend - looked forward to her next...So, go ahead, leave me sinking with this ship. If I die before yens its no big deal, Ill see you in a next life. Maybe YENS will be playing the role of the crazee ones in the next life. I know that it is YOU guys that are unconsciously split off from yourselves e.g. by the notion that youre different from the other animals...If you guys werent convinced of this schizophrenic idea, you would have long ago invested in the next big thing - integrating recycling of humanure w/other organic waste - and people like me would have the option of e.g. putting on a business suit and flying off to this years conference of the World Toilet Association. Ya tink yer shit dont stink. Jim McCue (St. Jim the Composter)
Posted on: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 13:50:23 +0000

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