Letter to president Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta. Dear mr. - TopicsExpress


Letter to president Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta. Dear mr. President. Greetings good man...wherever yu are. Allow me to remind yu one thing yu promised kenyans regarding media. Yu said your government will grant kenyans free media. Mr president now the media is undersiege and yu can salvage it. To do so yu must ignore to give assent to the passed media bill by parliament. Mr president open your eyes coz the enemies of good leadership are within your state house kitchen...i know yu are one confidence and vibrant and green president we got. Unfortunately some members of your kitchen want to change your focus...they are trying to gag the media and this means they want to put a break on the developmnent of our media liberation struggle. Wananchi knows well...yu know well...they know well that media is struggling to achieve accuracy,fairness,indepence,integrity and many other journalis code of conduct.Free the media mr president...free kenyan people and leave kenyans with the best legacy without taking this country to the dogs as kanu did under moi regime. Lets understand that kenyans are ready and eager for new leadership and they expect it from yu.Let not people ask...are the bad old moi days back? Just remember your promise and free the media then yu can invite me for a cup of tea at state house coz yu have made it a real state house-public and not a sancrosanct and with this yu fly above ya predecessors. Now mr. Presiden i welcome yu to join journalists to defend the independence of all journalists from those seeking control over news content. Yours citizen Bakari.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 07:05:15 +0000

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