Letter to the DWP regarding ATOS medical. Dear Sir/Madam, In - TopicsExpress


Letter to the DWP regarding ATOS medical. Dear Sir/Madam, In my original communication with you I requested a home visit. That was on the 25th May 2013. On the form I sent you (ESA50 01/13) dated the 25th May 2013 (Copy enclosed) at page 3 I clearly request a home visit. At no time in the intervening 5 months did you try to contact regarding the need for this home visit. The same form refers to my going to have an angiogram at St Thomas’ Hospital; Cardiology Department. Last week I replied to the ATOS letter calling me in for an interview/‘medical’ on the 25th of October at ATOS’ facility in Marylebone. I sent a letter both to the actual Medical Centre at Marylebone (postcode NW1 6UH) and the ATOS’ offices at the Wembley address postcode (SW95 9EB). I also tried to get delivered a copy to my local DWP offices at Dodd Street (London E14) only to be told the letter box at that office had been deliberately secured shut by that office. In other words it was unusable. I enclose copies of the documents I posted to the ATOS offices on the 21st October 2013. Both these letters were sent in A4 envelopes and posted via Special Delivery for the next day the 22nd October 2013. Again in these documents I requested a home visit. I also noted that 10 days notice was an unreasonably short time to expect a person to respond and particularly given the fact you are dealing with people who are disabled. On Monday the 28th October 2013 I Attended St Thomas’ Hospital Cardiology Department to see a Consultant Surgeon. I saw Mr Vassilios Avlonitis. At this consultation I was informed the hospital wished to operate upon my heart using open heart surgery. I was provided with the information I required to make an informed decision regarding surgery. I consented and signed the appropriate documents. After this the Cardiology Department took control and I was put through a wide series of tests which included Ultra Scans of my heart, the most extensive blood tests I have ever had, chest X-ray, lung tests and Swabs. This whole preoperative process took nearly 4 hours. I was provided with documentation regarding the operation and I include them with this missive. I did all I could reasonable do given the short time you afforded me to respond and I carried out my part correctly and ensured your ATOS subcontractor was informed that I could not reasonable be expected to travel across central London via a very awkward rout that would have been very problematical for me to take given my current medical conditions. I am expecting to be called upon in the new year to have my heart bypass. In the mean time I am to remain on the medication the hospital has prescribed to ‘stabilised’ my condition until I can have surgery. In the meantime I am on “Emergency Watch” and can be admitted to hospital as an emergency should my condition destabilise. The consultant informed me I would remain in hospital for at least 7 days after the operation. I informed him I lived alone and had no support network in my locality and this concerned me as he said for some weeks after the operation I am not allowed to do anything which includes lifting, cooking, all the things one tries to do normally. The Consultant is aware of my back problems as they have to move me during the operation and I do not want to come round from the operation to find my back has been further injured. I was informed by the consultant that 3 months is the expected recovery time for the heart operation I am to have. I understand it involves separating the sternum to access the heart. The particular blockage I have is a vessel that supplies oxygenated blood to the heart muscles. The Consultant showed me my angiogram and the location of the blockage. After I left hospital I tried to take a short walk but my Lumbar spine gave out and I made for home instead. Yesterday (29th October) I was confined to home in pain from the back and left leg numbness with pins and needles. All the time there is a pain across the lower spine that varies between being very painful and impossible to bare. The only serious relief I get is to lay down. My heart condition is aggravated by stress whether that stress be physical or mental. In my communication I have tried to give you an accurate description of my medical conditions and how they affect not only my ability to work but also my ability to carry out everyday tasks. At the moment I am feeling swamped by the whole thing and the added burden of dealing with a negative DWP is complicating what is an already fraught situation. Your communications threatening repeatedly to withdraw Benefits is about as callous a thing you could offer me right at this moment. I wonder where the empathy has gone? I have deadlines you have none. You have extensive resources and I have little to spare. Your staff are healthy I am not. Is it your intention to make my life more difficult than it already is? As I have said repeatedly I suffer from mental health problems, neurological problems, spinal problems both in the Lumbar and Thoracic spine, frozen shoulders and now a worsening heart situation. I could do without being penniless as well. That is the threat contained in your missives. Once again, and for the third time, I request a home visit. Yours Sincerely DAC
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 18:02:25 +0000

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