Letters: From Universities to Kindergartens, all are facing: - TopicsExpress


Letters: From Universities to Kindergartens, all are facing: The Disaster of the 21st Century - Microwave Radiation by Jerry Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2014 9:53:32 PM Subject: [Health - Wireless] From Universities to Kindergartens, all are facing: The Disaster of the 21st Century - Microwave Radiation by Jerry Flynn It is our duty, as parents and grandparents, to protect and nurture the health of our children and of society as a whole. The wireless and utility industries are being allowed to harm us all! It is your duty, as elected government representatives, to act responsibly and update/change our safety codes so that they will actually protect us. Linda _______________________________________________________ Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2014 Subject: From Universities to Kindergartens, all are facing: The Disaster of the 21st Century - Microwave Radiation Dear Kathy, As the Opposition Spokesperson for Advanced Education and the mother of four grown children, you have two compelling reasons why you absolutely must educate yourself and realize that national governments and academe in European countries (47 countries, 800-million people) are vastly more aware of and greatly concerned about the proliferation of Wi-Fi routers, cell phones, cell towers, cordless phones, laptop and tablet computers, Smart Meters, etc in their schools and places of learning - not to mention their kindergartens, hospitals, libraries, nursing homes, etc. - than are we here in corrupt Canada and the USA (see below). Note: In 2003, the UK Education Secretary banned cell phones from all schools in England and Wales! Thats 11 years ago! cprnews/articles/UKBanCell/CPR-News--UK-Gov-Bans-Cell-Phones-in--all--schools.html Many of the worlds pre-eminent non-industry scientists are now warning the entire world about: The Disaster of the 21st Century - microwave radiation. Yet in Canadas public school system every level of academe is proudly and ignorantly awash in ever-increasing wireless microwave emitting devices, all of which emit chronic low-level pulsed non-thermal microwave radiation 24/7/365 in perpetuity! (Private schools have more autonomy and can ban Wi-Fi if they wish.) Think of it: students in Canadas public school system are exposed to dangerous levels of this pulsed non-thermal radiation for six hours a day, five days a week for up to 12 years! Yet our corrupt government/industrial complex - and their agent in BC, our Provincial Health Officer, steadfastly insist that all of these devices are safe. Two quick facts: 1) not one of these devices has ever been independently tested by reputable non-industry-aligned scientists and found to be safe - in terms of the radiation they emit!; 2) European countries began pulling Wi-Fi out of schools back in 2006, yet here in Canada were pushing it in - whether parents or schoolboards like it or not! albany.edu/ihe/assets/Scientist_Declaration.pdf ctvnews.ca/canada/wireless-radiation-exposure-code-fails-to-protect-canadians-1.1906165#ixzz37Az9DvEv cellphonetaskforce.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/medical-doctors-submission-to-health-canada-english.pdf prlog.org/12355167-fcc-98-scientific-experts-demand-stronger-regulation-of-cellphone-radiation.html The fearful thing about microwave radiation is that none of us can see it, smell it, taste it, feel it or hear it, yet it is everywhere today! And it keeps getting thicker and thicker, much as smoke does in a room as more and more people who are smoking enter the room. Kathy, Im contacting you here purely as a messenger. British Columbians need you to do the responsible, democratic thing and help bring about an end to this, what amounts to, crime against humanity! Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Jerry Flynn James Gerald (Jerry) Flynn, Captain (Retired)
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 05:57:09 +0000

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