Letters To Heaven 10th January 2015 Dear Oscar (Oski Poski - TopicsExpress


Letters To Heaven 10th January 2015 Dear Oscar (Oski Poski as Safari calls you!) Your name has been spoken constantly today by your cousins Saffy and Imani. They have only seen me twice since you went to Heaven and were so excited for your birth.... Naturally they have asked lots of questions.. Which is very sweet of them.. Safari was sat on my lap this morning chatting about you... I love your necklace aunty Gemma... Are they Oscars feet? (I have a footprints necklace) to which Imani replied before I could think of a sensitive answer.... Safari Oscar is an angel now, he has wings he can fly.... (children are so logical) Safari pondered for a moment and stroked my face... Aunty Gemma I know that you are sad, You are smiling but youre sad... I am too I will hold Oscar in Heaven. (Holding back the tears and again thinking of a quick response) Imani replies Saffy Oscar is in our hearts we can hold him there. (Milly and Phil you have done an amazing job explaining to them for them to come up with these responses... So sweet and sensitive) Safari went into the kitchen and looked in my overnight bag.... Yay you brought Oscars bear for a sleep over, Thank you so much Aunty Gemma I love him!. She danced of into the lounge and set Oscar bear next to her teddy. Look they are special friends!. Later on we went Ice skating and as we parked and went to get a ticket Oscar we had to walk across a large green. As we were walking both Imani and safari found two tiny white feathers each- They literally jumped with excitement shouting Thank you Oscar! I literally melted inside... as we walked back across with our ticket safari found another one... She stopped in her tracks and closed her eyes with her hands closed tight to her chest.... I waited and watched her. She opened her eyes and I said safari can I ask what you were praying for darling? Yes Autny Gemma I have three of Oscars feathers and Imani only has two. I asked him if he wouldnt mind letting Imani have one more feather so it was fair.... But only if his angels wings wouldnt get cold? I was so touched... The awe and beauty of childhood...... Amazing... Oscar you are blessed to have so many wonderful cousins, aunties and uncles that would have completely doted on you, spoilt you with affection and love.... I just wish you could be here to enjoy it... Can you feel the love from Heaven? Can you see how beuaitful they all are in their little ways? We got home from Ice skating and lunch after soft play too and we made Aunty Milly her birthday cake. Aunty Milly was there when I gave birth to you little one, she held mummys hand when her world fell apart..... When all I had was love for you keeping my heart beating.... We made a special cake and Imani insisted on your Oscar Bear helping stir the mixture.... Your in the photos look.... We have had a special day today and are glad that you gave us special messages.... Thank you.... Keep aunty Milly and Uncle Phil safe on their journey home tomorrow little one and please visit me in my dreams..... I love you so so much that each day youre not with me is getting harder and harder.... I must stop the tears in case I wake the two precious sleeping beauties upstairs.... Sweet dreams my little Angel xx Mummy loves you always xxxxx
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 22:07:20 +0000

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