Letters on WWE, TNA, Wrestlemania in the U.K. and more THE - TopicsExpress


Letters on WWE, TNA, Wrestlemania in the U.K. and more THE LATEST COLLECTION of correspondence to Power Slam Online. There will be another update tomorrow afternoon, comprising more letters and a fascinating question about Vince McMahon. If you have any questions for Power Slam Online or would like to share your comments with the public on any wrestling-related topic, please e-mail us at: [email protected] . . . Regarding TNA’s current product: I’m enjoying it more than I did when Vince Russo was the booker, and Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Eric Bischoff and Kevin Nash were all over the programme, either blading too much, talking crap or stealing the spotlight from the younger wrestlers. However, there are still some aspects of the TNA product that don’t make sense or are as dull as dishwater. Such as: The never-ending feud between Samuel Shaw and Gunner; The useless hard-core matches every week between Bram and Devon and/or Tommy Dreamer; The useless Menagerie and abysmal James Storm stable which now consists of the broken-down, years-past-his-prime Abyss. Speaking of ‘The Monster’, I guess no one could be arsed to explain how Abyss could join the group and become one-half of the TNA World tag team champions. That said, I’m glad Bobby Roode is TNA World champion. And credit must go to Lashley, the man he succeeded, for his credible and entertaining TNA World title run. That TNA has filmed television in different cities over the last few months has been a welcome change: the fans in New York and Pennsylvania seem more into the action than the spectators in Orlando, who reacted as if they were at a funeral. Kind regards, John F.M. writes: Don’t go using the word “funeral” in connection with TNA. It hits far too close to home. TNA still doesn’t have a new television deal inked. The last original episode of Impact Wrestling airs in the States on Wednesday. After that, there will be preemptions and highlights shows up to and including December 17 — and then nothing on Spike TV. The only live events on the TNA calendar are the three shows in the U.K. (Glasgow, Manchester and London) from January 29-31. Hi Fin, I felt your comments against Mark Henry were a bit unjust. The man has been one of the top promo men in recent years, highlighed by his “retirement” speech on June 17, which earned the runner-up spot in the PS Reader Awards for Angle/Segment Of The Year 2013 (Issue 232). The man is also a fairly decent draw with both his World heavyweight championship and ECW championship runs being ratings-grabbers. Even his MITB match with John Cena last year, which he had no chance of winning, drew more buys than C.M. Punk’s clash with J.C. at the same PPV two years prior in Chicago. Daniel Simpson I have nothing to add to my previous post about Henry. You are absolutely right about Money In The Bank’s performance on pay-per-view. Money In The Bank 2013 pulled 199,000 buys. Money In The Bank 2011 attracted 195,000 buys. Both events aired on Sky Sports over here. I would just like to point out that the fada over the “a” in Finn Bálors name means it should be pronounced “Bawlor”, not “Ballir”, as the NXT announcers have been saying. These small, attention to detail errors are very frustrating and completely avoidable. For example, someone could have simply asked Fergal Devitt if there should be a fada over the “a”. There shouldn’t, as “Balor” is spelled without a fada in Irish. If WWE is going to insist on putting one in, they should at least pronounce it correctly. Fearghal Traynor I’ve watched the first three episodes of Lucha Underground and, I have to say, I’m very impressed. The most obvious difference coming from a normal wrestling TV programme is the film/movie style of the promos and backstage segments, which some may find too leftfield. A few years ago, I would have probably said: “That’s not for me,” but given how stale both WWE and TNA have become, I’m willing to give anything new a go. How refreshing to have a wrestling programme that actually gets on with storytelling in an intelligent and succinct manner. Commentators who not only call the wrestling moves, but explain who the wrestlers are, their backgrounds, reasons for being there and actually move the story forward. They also don’t spend time putting their own product or wrestlers down. I’ve seen more story progression in the first three hours of Lucha Underground than I’ve seen in three months’ worth of Raw. If fact, watching both Raw and Impact has started to feel like a chore and a drag: I’m going to give up on Raw until Royal Rumble time. TNA, meanwhile, only has one or two episodes left until the end, so I’ll stick with it. Amazingly, at the end of each episode of Lucha Underground, I’m so blown away that I cannot wait to see what next week’s episode brings. That’s an emotion I’ve not felt from wrestling since the late 1990s. I’m not sure what the long-term plan is going to be — PPVs, house shows or other specials — but as long as they keep doing what they’re doing, I’m going to keep watching. For anyone who wishes to see some Lucha Underground, here’s a link to El Rey’s YouTube page: youtube/channel/UCaVwpbqM8dkhQvbL8XileAA/featured Andy Haworth They say you can’t have too much of a good thing, but I’m wondering if WCW, at its peak, had exactly that. With a roster that included Sting, Lex Luger, Goldberg, Randy Savage, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan and Bret Hart, it must have been next to impossible to keep everyone happy; there are only so many spots at the top of the card. In addition to this, you had the camera-hungry Kevin Nash and Eric Bischoff taking up valuable TV time: no wonder nobody underneath ever got over. Was it ever an issue for WCW, trying to massage so many massive egos? Richard Marriott Yes. A constant headache. Some random observations and questions regarding the WWE Live event in Manchester (November 8): Match of the night was the main event Street Fight involving . . . John Cena! I was impressed by how dominant Seth Rollins was allowed to be. I don’t suppose we’ll see anything like it on TV. There were loud chants of “We want Wrestling!” before the Slater/Gator & Los Matadores match, as audience voting could have resulted in a dance-off. My eight-year-old son was horrified by the thought of this. Who are these dance-offs designed to entertain, exactly? They still played Vince’s lame U.K. Network apology, despite the negative response to it at the other U.K. shows. Fans jeered it here too. At the end of the show, Cena again rattled off his line about how the U.K. deserved a WrestleMania of its own. It got me thinking this time. Now that the Network exists, a U.K. WrestleMania surely wouldn’t harm PPV buy rates in the U.S. due to spoilers, would it? For the WWE, the potential live gate for a U.K. WrestleMania could surely eclipse that of a U.S. event. Do you think there is now potential for WrestleMania U.K.? Stephen Rogers No. It’s not going to happen for all the other reasons that have been written before in PS. This is something Cena says for a cheap pop. Just imagine how much hassle and additional expense it would be for WWE to present an event of this magnitude overseas: hundreds of staff and talent are involved in the process, and all the wrestlers family members attend the Hall Of Fame and WrestleMania. Meanwhile, so much specialist equipment and materials are required for the sets/production of Mania, Axxess, the HOF and the post-WM Raw. It would have to be sourced in the U.K. instead of from the usual suppliers in the States. If it could not be obtained over here, the tech gear and materials would have to be shipped across the Atlantic at great expense. It goes on and on. To stage the event on our shores would be a logistical nightmare to which WWE does not need to subject itself when WrestleMania is a sure-fire live event smash in the States. That, in a nutshell, is why it will not happen over here. There is no reason for WWE to bring WM to the U.K. The card already draws crowds of 60,000-70,000 each year paying top ticket prices. Its not 1992 any more: WWE can fill stadiums on home turf. Survivor Series has had a mixed build-up so far. I wanted to share a few of my thoughts on the card: In many ways, the creation of Team Cena and Team Authority was well done and sensible; it used existing feuds (Cena vs. Rollins, Rusev vs. Sheamus) and has clearly laid the groundwork for future conflict. I’ll be amazed if Rusev and Ryback don’t have a double count out brawl to protect them both for a TLC match at the December pay-per-view. Also, Triple H and Dolph Ziggler have played their roles well, and it’s heartening to see Dolph looking competitive and being treated as if he deserves to be in the main event. That the creation of the teams was made a priority underscores what an important event this will be. However, the inclusion of Mark Henry, Kane and Big Show is dirge. There must be other, younger wrestlers would could be used. I know it’s becoming a running theme throughout the internet at the moment, but Cesaro could have been on either team and fans would have eaten it up. I suppose that’s what happens when no one is moved to the top and injuries hit. Remember when Steve Austin missed a year (1999-2000), and the talent pool was so deep that Triple H, The Rock, Jericho, Angle, Benoit, Undertaker, etc. were able to headline a different show every month? As for the rest of the card: I’m pleased that Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt will be doing something constructive. It may not be at the top, but they’ve both been spared potential damage as throwaway members of the main squads. The Divas title match has received time to breathe, and I’m sure the other Series match(es) will be all right, if WWE sticks to the formula. That’s the gift of this event: put five men (or women) on one side and five on the other and people will, for the most part, buy in and enjoy the story. My last observation is that if WWE were brave, it might consider booking that NXT title match between Adrian Neville and Sami Zayn on the PPV. Let them loose on the big stage, and they could steal the show. Colm Broadhead
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 18:03:19 +0000

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