Letters to the Editor Rupee plummets, yet none - TopicsExpress


Letters to the Editor Rupee plummets, yet none accountable SIR, This is in response to your article “Rupee slide continues despite RBI tonic” (22 August). We are witnessing an unprecedented fall in the value of the rupee, touching an all-time low of 68.80 against the dollar yesterday. However, we are routinely assured by finance minister Chidambaram and some top RBI officials that nothing serious has happened and that the situation will be normal very shortly. But what exactly are they doing to check the decline? When Bangladesh and Indonesia can control the downfall of their currencies, why can’t India? The simple answer is that neither the Reserve Bank nor Mr Chidambaram are accountable to the Prime Minister, who is playing the role of Dhritarashtra, or to the tax-paying citizens. They simply dupe the citizens and enjoy enormous salaries and perquisites. Yours, etc., P Chatterjee, Kolkata, 29 August. CRITICISM ON TV SIR, Apropos the report, “Ex-MLA detained for criticising Speaker” (August 28), had this criticism been published by the print media, the newspaper concerned would have been equally guilty. The former MLA used a television channel to air his allegedly illegal criticism. On a parity of reasoning, the channel is equally guilty and should be asked to explain its conduct. Yours, etc., Biswanath Ghosh, Durgapur, 28 August. TANGENTIAL APPROACH SIR, In his letter, ‘Scientific temper’ (28 August), Mr Susanta K Ghose went largely tangential to the theme of my article, ‘Absence of scientific temper’ (Perspective page, 25 August), except for the first and the last lines. My comment on a former Union minister was taken directly from reports in major India newspapers all of which ridiculed him for feeding a goat with his own hands after the goat was duly turned holy by appropriate puja rituals. Regarding the great scientist Professor Meghnad Saha, I guess that Mr Ghose confused Marxist with CPI-M. Yours, etc., Arunabha Bagchi, Enschede, The Netherlands, 28 August. THE FLIP SIDE SIR, My family always subscribed to The Statesman because it had faith in no other newspaper. Hence, I have been a faithful reader of your esteemed paper since childhood. I regret that the recent change in design has been totally disappointing. I used to look forward to The Statesman every morning, but not any longer. The previous format was dignified, outstanding and easy to read. One knew, at once, where exactly to find what one wanted to read. The new layout is utterly confusing. It now looks like any other run-of-the-mill paper. It is difficult to read the captions to the photographs because of the font size. Regrettable also is the decision to stop publishing "Price Watch" and TV programmes. You have discontinued printing the weather report in detail. One does not know when the sun or moon rises and sets. It is not true that certain items were scarcely read and less popular. Every item, I can assure you, was welcome and read. Yours, etc., M Heywerdinguer, 1 August.
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 20:24:12 +0000

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