Letting Things Be Pt1 If in any way you have been judging or - TopicsExpress


Letting Things Be Pt1 If in any way you have been judging or criticizing the way you experience your Divine Self, have the intention to let go of this. Ask your Divine Self to assist you so that you can accept and love your own process; the steps you are taking, the path you are on, and your progress in becoming your Divine Self. Ask for this; receive and open to a sense that all is well and that you are doing and acting and opening to the Divine Self in the perfect way for you. You can ask the Divine Self to assist you in releasing any judgment or criticism you have had about the way you are connecting with your Divine Self, your experience of It, or any other judgment or criticism that has separated you from the experience of your Divine Self. Do this and open the way for a clearer and stronger connection. Let yourself be drawn into a state of pure awareness, beyond thought, even if it is just for a moment. Your Divine Self is working with you to make this possible, releasing the need to think; softening your thoughts and becoming pure awareness without thought. Let this happen right now. There is a natural rhythm to the thoughts setting up and then dissolving… setting up and then dissolving. When they set up and come about, practice for a moment not getting involved in the content of these thoughts, but simply watching them rise and fall, being drawn into the space and awareness of your Divine Self as you detach from the activity of your thoughts in this way. Do this now; watch your thoughts arise and fall for a moment. As you are doing this, you are opening to the pure awareness of your Divine Self. This Self makes no judgment, does not criticize, and does not put a story on an event. It simply Is… beauty, light, love, acceptance, compassion, and all that is beyond labels and words. In some new and deeper way, fall into this awareness that is a pure awareness, beyond thought–an awareness that can watch the thoughts, and know that It is not the thoughts themselves, but a deeper Self; a Self that is beyond the thoughts, that is pure light, pure awareness, pure consciousness Itself. Experience this now. Let the Divine Self draw you in as you set your intention to join it, to experience this awareness, to let go of thoughts, stories, opinions, judgments–whatever comes to you that would interfere with this pure awareness. Experience this new dimension that begins to open for you as you move more deeply into the presence; into the pure awareness and the silence of the Divine Self. Let this happen now. You are pure light radiating outward– divine perfection, divine grace. As you let this sense of inner light strengthen; deepen in some way, imagine that this is your consciousness. Everywhere you look you perceive divine perfection. Anything else is a story that the mind is telling you- a concept, a judgment, an opinion. It is a filter that the mind puts on reality. Let yourself fall back into this pure awareness that sees only divine perfection, beauty, light and love. This is YOU.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 10:13:21 +0000

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