Let’s Get Real Wednesday: Hating on others is an internal - TopicsExpress


Let’s Get Real Wednesday: Hating on others is an internal guide, use it! _____________________________________ The term HATER has become very popular. But do we really know what it means? According to urbandictionary: A person that simply cannot be happy for another persons success. So rather than be happy they make a point of exposing a flaw in that person. Hating, the result of being a hater, is not exactly jealousy. The hater doesn’t really want to be the person he or she hates; rather the hater wants to knock someone else down a notch. Most of us don’t want to feel like we are a hater, we look down on haters, and we feel they are not happy people. Want a truth moment? We all have ‘hater’ moments. What? Not me!!! Ok, let’s get real! We have moments that we compare ourselves to someone else, or we judge another person, or would like to knock someone down a notch. Have you ever seen someone who is succeeding in a certain area of life and felt bad because they seem to have it more together than you do? Our inclination is to deny it and say, “No I’m happy with where and with whom I am”. And yes, that is true, however; we are human, and we all have moments. Many times we don’t keep it real with ourselves, but why? Because know we don’t want to entertain those negative thoughts. We actually feel guilty for hating. But what do when we have a human moment? DON’T IGNORE IT!! TELL THE TRUTH TO YOUR HEART! BRING YOUR THOUGHTS TO THE LIGHT!! When has anything changed by simply ignoring it? I have tried to lose weight for years, and I never melted fat by just ignoring it! LOL It’s ok to be human! So let’s talk about it! What is happening in your subconscious mind? There are a number of things that could be going on: -Belief Systems: Mom, Dad, and Society – We don’t realize how we have been influenced and programed since childhood. The programing has happened and now it is part of our subconscious mind. The subconscious mind makes up for more than half of our thoughts and actions. So what’s in there? All of our parent’s insecurities’ and fears are in there! Believe that!! We also hold societies broken teachings. Our entire society is defined by boxes, in order to do this you have to accomplish that, in order to be this you have to be approved by that, or in order to be important you must prove that. When we see others are living outside the box, when we see that they have freed themselves from self-doubt and insecurities, it could shed light on an inner thought or inner emotion. Our emotions are telling us that they have freed themselves from the inner monster and you want to do the same – and you know it! -Disempowerment: Fear, doubt, and Belief Systems: So we have accepted that we want to break free from the box of life, we are ready to eliminate self-doubt and insecurities and live our truth! Now what? The inner monster creeps up again and disempowers your momentum. The monsters tool of the trade? Fear and doubt! It’s that little voice inside that says “they did it, but you can’t, you don’t know as much as they know, you are not good enough, you are not pretty or handsome enough, you don’t have the same ability, STAY IN YOUR LANE”. If you listen to this voice, even for a second, you might hate on others. We all have this little ugly voice! If you don’t, then maybe you’re not human. Hating on others is an internal guide, use it! It is a trigger that is guiding us to understand our own truth. The truth is that we all have some blind spots in life. Hating is not about the other person at all. However; if you stay in a place of hate and don’t acknowledge it and bring it the light there, you will stay there, in a place of darkness. You see, by rejecting the freeness, success, or carefree nature of another person - you are reflecting a rejection of your own freeness. So how do we change that? I’ll tell this, it’s not always an easy task, but it starts with a decision. ACTION STEP: Meditate, Pray, Release (Here are three steps you could follow to start to shed light on your subconscious mind) 1) Meditate: Take 2 minutes to be in silence and think about what triggered you. During this process, love yourself and accepting yourself fully. Example: Hi me, I love you and I accept you, I know you mean no one harm, I know that your inner desire is to celebrate everyone, you are a good person and your feelings are part of the human journey. What are you comparing? 2) Prayer: Bring your inner feeling to God; you don’t always have to know what resolution you want God to bring. It’s just about sharing and acknowledging that he created you and knows your struggle. Example: God, thank you for your wisdom and for bringing this trigger of hate to me. You have allowed me to explore the dark areas of my own heart and now I thank you for shedding light on the darkness in me. God I wish to explore this further and my intent is to surrender to you my insecurities, doubts, and fears. I know you are perfect in all of your ways. Lord, I give you my heart. (Proverbs 23:26) 3) Release: Release the hate; imagine the feeling of hate as a small kidney bean that is wedged between both your lungs. Ok, now here is where it gets fun! Imagine the love of God coming directly at you as a beam of light, it is bright and it feels warm, the closer it gets the more love you feel. Take your time, and allow the beam of light to enter your body, in through the top of your head, though your brain (doesn’t it feel good), down thought your face, into the neck, and finally it reaches the lungs, the light fills up your lungs and surrounds the small kidney bean. NO judgment, just love, pure love. The light surrounds the kidney bean and starts to pull it out, back up the neck, up the brain and finally out of your body through the crown of your head. As you allow the light to carry away the kidney bean say goodbye in any way that you feel is right for you. Example: Thank you for being a reflection of me. I release you into the universe; your job here is done. Thank you for reading! Peace and blessings to you.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 20:40:21 +0000

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