Let’s be honest. Life is hard. With issues such as war, - TopicsExpress


Let’s be honest. Life is hard. With issues such as war, prejudice, intense family dramas, abuse, mental illness, drug addiction and death most of us will see or personally experience some version of one or all of these things. My personal life has included severe emotional trauma, deep sadness and a sense of hopelessness that were the main animating currents of my life for at least 15 years. Having been dealt the cards of bipolar disorder, addiction & an eating disorder my life was a conglomerate of chaos. Even still I retained the feeling that there was a possibility of happiness for me in my life, but I was too consumed by my own demons to make it my reality for many years. Well here I am a decade later not only surviving, but emotionally thriving. My core is the same, but when I remember days gone by I see it almost from a third party perspective. I witness people around me still stuck, still traumatized by life on a daily basis and I don’t have an exact answer as to how to help. This is not to say that I don’t still struggle. I struggle daily, and admittedly my battle rages on. I have found ways that work for me though and they work well. I do not have an answer as to what will make someone’s life improve, but I do have stories and lessons from my own life to share and my hope is that you can take something away from it to improve your daily life. A preview of my latest article I am working on to be titled Inner Strength
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 23:46:41 +0000

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