Let’s hear you, England. Loud as you can. Wales and Northern - TopicsExpress


Let’s hear you, England. Loud as you can. Wales and Northern Ireland as well. You care about the same things that Scots care about and want to see the same changes that Scots want too. Why do Sir Paul McCartney, Sir Elton John, David Bowie and JK Rowling feel so strongly that Scotland should be part of the UK that they’ve spoken out so publicly? How you do explain the memorable video of famous English and Welsh personalities - where, one by one - they plead: “Please stay.” Memories of war? Of course. Scots, English, Welsh and Northern Irish soldiers fought together. There is not a a battlefield in Europe on which they did not stand, and fall, side by side in the fight against fascism. Courageous soldiers risking lives together, wounded together, maimed together. Later buried together. Families weeping together. But there is more than that. Much more. What bonds us is also the peace we built together. Scots, English, Welsh and Northern Irish pool and share resources to deliver our pensions, heath care and child benefits as well as our defence. When one part of the country gets into difficulty another part helps. We have the same pensions rights, the same basic rights to health care and our health services, education, pensions and child benefits are funded from UK taxes paid according to people’s ability to pay, with resources distributed across the UK, according to the needs of each region and nation. It means that with more disabled citizens because of coal mining diseases, Welsh people get more for disability benefits. With a bigger share of pensioners in need, the North East gets more for pensions. With more housing needs, London gets more for housing benefit and, with more health care needs, Scotland has historically received more for health. Where else do four nations share their resources across national borders? Not the Germans and the Greeks. Not even the Germans and the neighbouring French or Poles. Certainly not the Australians and the New Zealanders, despite their historic links. And even within one nation, in one federal state - America - citizens of rich states such as New England and New Hampshire don’t underpin the health and welfare of citizens in poorer Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas as we do across the UK. There is no place in the world where four nations share the same civil, political, social and economic rights - from the right to our NHS, to help when unemployed - as we Scots, English, Welsh and Northern Irish do. Our union is not out of date or an anachronism or a museum piece but a unique, unparalleled, multinational living partnership that Europe and America cannot match or mirror. And what our ancestors built up, no nationalist should be allowed to split asunder. So why has it been difficult to win Scottish votes in support of this principle of sharing that most Scots hold dear? Many are angry that the bedroom tax was imposed upon Scots against their will while at the same time the very wealthy received tax cuts. The SNP also claim that the ramifications of any Tory privatisation of the NHS in England will cut budgets in Scotland. But English and Welsh people have already given an answer to the SNP claims. The answer is that 90 per cent of English people want to keep the NHS public and retain it free at the point of need. And the vast majority across the whole UK dislike the bedroom tax and would even consider more taxes to make our NHS better. It’s a fact that half Scots families have close English and Welsh relatives. And the best contribution English, Welsh and Northern Irish friends and neighbours can make over the next few days is to shout loud and clear: * We too are proud of the NHS and want to keep if free and safe in public hands, * We too don’t like the bedroom tax and want it changed , * We too agree the union should be a caring one - where we help each other in our hours of need. Of course Scotland and its people want to be told they are respected and taken seriously and loved. And that’s why saying “let’s stay together,” will resonate across the land. But, much more important for the years and decades ahead is that Scots want and need to know that we share the same hopes and priorities and care about meeting each other’s needs. mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/gordon-brown-unique-union-must-4176853
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 20:21:13 +0000

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