Level IV - Reiki Master Teacher - Shihan - Day 2 Some people - TopicsExpress


Level IV - Reiki Master Teacher - Shihan - Day 2 Some people believe training is the most important component in becoming a Reiki Practitioner. Others say attunements are the most important part. I believe they are equally important. Yes, one may receive attunements without formal training, and may even feel that flow of Reiki energy as it enters the Crown Chakra and races through the whole body. Yet without the training, without the “know how” to use it, how effective is all that awesome energy. On the other hand, what is knowledge without action? All the knowledge in the world is useless until it is put into motion, sort of like an unread book. This is where the Master Teacher comes into play; you have the honor of bringing synchronicity and harmony to the union of knowledge and attunements. We also have to acknowledge that attunements maybe be received without a Sensei as well by connecting directly to the source of Reiki as Usui Sensei did following his 21-day meditation on Mount Kurama. Attunements are an energy exchange, from master and the universe to the student. Training is the activation switch that allows that energy to flow. When many hear the word “exchange” they think money. “How much is this going to cost me? What’s it really worth? It is said that when Mikao Usui first experienced the healing energy of Reiki he offered it freely and without charge. However he soon found that many people, a priceless gift without a price, was not only priceless but valueless as well. He began to feel and to teach that an exchange of energy for the healer’s time would increase the perception of value. He taught the exchange of energy doesn’t have to be money; it can be anything expresses appreciation and an understanding of the value of Reiki, “love offerings.” The concept of charging a set price for healing or teaching is a western idea, promoted by Mrs. Hawayo Takata when she brought Reiki from Japan to Hawaii and the western world. I do agree with Usui Sensei about the importance of an energy exchange. Each practitioner and teacher should decide for themselves. My choice was to ask for what I consider very valuable, the commitment to use this energy for good, and maybe a smile. If you don’t want a fixed exchange, consider using a Reiki Basket for Love Offerings and Healing Requests. Following your attunement yesterday, your healing energy is probably flowing stronger and more intense. You may even feel more connected with yourself and the universe. Another valuable exchange is your feedback so please share what you felt during your Master Teacher attunement, also any experiences or thoughts while practicing the level I attunement as well. Now that you have experienced energy while receiving an attunement and also giving one, continue to practice today with the Level I attunement. Reiki Level II Attunement: Tonight, please practice giving the Reiki level II attunement - in some ways it’s faster and more simple than level I, although the text is rather long. Again I believe you will see the importance of visualization and working with your mind. There are many methods to give this attunement; here is one that I often use. The Reiki Level II attunement gives an even higher possible level of energy vibrations in the student, since Level II is where one also learns 3 Reiki symbols: The Power Symbol, The Mental Symbol and The Distance Symbol these can be used to help focus energy for specific purposes. I only use one initiation for Level II. For Hands on Attunement: Draw or visualize each of these Symbols, while repeating the name of each 3 times. 1 - The power symbol Cho-Ku-Rei, 2 - The master symbol Dai Ko Myo 3 - The mental/emotional symbol Sei-He-Ki 4 - The distant/absentee symbol Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen. 5 - The power symbol Cho-Ku-Rei, 6 - The Finishing Symbol Raku For distant attunements also say in your mind or out loud: “I now wish to attune - “add the name of the person receiving the initiation” - to Usui Reiki Level II” Then visualize the student sitting in the chair and perform the attunement, as if they were there. You don’t need to know what the person looks like; just stating your intent and their name is all that is needed Part I 1. Place both hands on the top of the head. Close your eyes, meditating briefly, to gain energetic rapport with the student. 2. Draw the Usui Master Symbol over the head, while repeating the secret name of the Usui Master Symbol three times to yourself in mantra – like fashion. Picture the symbol, guiding it with your right hand, and moving it into the Crown Chakra through the head, and lodging in the base of the brain. 3. Touch the student’s left shoulder, signaling them to raise their prayer clasped hands to the top of their head. 4. Draw the Power Symbol in the air over the hands. Picture the symbol moving into the hands, down into the Crown Chakra, through the head, and lodging in the base of the brain. Chant the secret name of the Symbol to yourself three times as you place the symbol into the Hands and Brain. 5. Draw the Mental/Emotional Symbol over the head. Picture the symbol, guiding it your right hand, and moving it into the Crown Chakra through the head, and lodging in the base of the brain. Chant the secret name of the Symbol to yourself three times as you place the symbol into the Hands and Brain. 6. Draw the Distant Symbol over the head. Picture the symbol, guiding it with your right hand, and moving it into the Crown Chakra through the head, and lodging in the base of the brain. Chant the secret name of the symbol to yourself three times as you place the symbol into the Hands and Brain. 7. Gently move the student’s hands from the top of their head, motioning them back down in front of the Heart. 8. Move to the front of the student. Part II 1. Open the student’s hands flat, holding them in your left hand, or if you are left handed, hold them in your right. 2. Draw the Usui Master Symbol in front of the student’s Third Eye chanting the secret name of the Symbol, three times, as you visualize it moving into the head through, the Third Eye. 3. Draw the Power Symbol in front of the student’s Third Eye, chanting the secret name of the Symbol to yourself, three times, as you visualize it moving into the head through, the Third Eye. 3. Draw the Distant Symbol in front of the third Eye, chanting the Secret name of the symbol to yourself, three times, as you visualize it moving into the head, through the Third Eye. 4. Draw the Mental/Emotional Symbol in front of the Third Eye, chanting the secret name of the Symbol to yourself, three times, while visualizing it moving into the Head through the Third Eye. 5. With your right hand, draw the Power Symbol in the air above the hands. Picture the symbol moving into the hands as you chant the secret name to yourself three times. Slap the hands three times. 6. With your right hand, draw the Distant Symbol in the air above the hands. Picture the symbol moving into the hands as you chant the secret name to yourself three times. Slap the hands three times. 7. With your right hand, draw the Mental/Emotional Symbol in the air above the hands. Picture the symbol moving into the hands as you chant the secret name to yourself three times. Slap the hands three times. 8. Bring the student’s hands together and move them in front of the Heart. Blow over the hands, up to the Third Eye and Crown, and back over the hands to the Solar Plexus, and back to the hands. Return to back of your student. Part III 1. Place your hands on the student’s shoulders and look down through the Crown Chakra, imagining you can see into the Heart Chakra. Place a positive affirmation into the student’s Heart by repeating it to yourself three times, intending it to be accepted by the subconscious mind. 2. Bring your hands together, placing your thumbs at the base of the skull. Repeat this phrase; ‘’I now seal this process with Divine Love and Wisdom.’’ while picturing a door with the Power Symbol on it being closed and locked. Intend, will, and feel that the process it sealed and complete, and the student is now connected directly to the Reiki source. 3. Place your palms on the student’s shoulders and repeat the affirmation: ’’ We are both blessed by this process’’, or hold this feeling for several seconds. 4. Move to the front of the student. Ask the student to place their hands palms down on their thighs, breathe deeply and slowly, while opening their eyes. For Distant Attunements: You may use a proxy, like a stuffed animal or doll, and follow the same procedure as the ‘Hands on’ or you may choose to do as I do and personify your lists on names for attunement, then visualize the same process as above. An even more simple way is to state your intent to send the attunement to the student or students by name and then allow the universe to continue with the attunement. There are many other methods as well, Intent is the key, so choose the method your feel most comfortable with or create your own.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 06:09:33 +0000

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