Leveraging Your Leadership Influence - TopicsExpress


Leveraging Your Leadership Influence (WWW.ACHILDUNHEARD.COM) March 14, 2014 at 2:16pm If women realized what influence they really had, they would be filled with pride. If men recognized how influential women are, they would be scared to death. Katherine Kehler Its been said that we influence at least 250 people in our lifetime. Most people, including leaders, underestimate their influence. Mother Teresa was a great humanitarian in India and one of the most influential women of the 20th Century. Madonna, a racy rock star, had fame--Mother Teresa had greatness. Both influenced millions but with polar opposite value systems--one was temporal--the other eternal. Leadership is about leveraging your influence and making it count for more than the sum of its parts. Here are seven passions all great leaders use to leverage their leadership influence: 1. The passion for knowledge and truth. Great leadership begins with an awareness of the facts and wide range of information. Facts help you deal with present reality but a revelation of the Truth prepares you for the unknown future. 2. The passion for wisdom. Discipline comes because of knowing the facts and acting on them--wisdom understands how to use them wisely. Excellence is not a goal but a way of life built on God-honoring standards and principles learned only by a passion for wisdom. 3. The passion for discernment and discretion. Decisions based on wise discernment and discretion determines your future. You make decisions every day that affect your health, finances and family, emotional and spiritual well being. 4. The passion for honesty and integrity. In todays culture we do not lie, we miss-speak. Telling the truth is honesty, telling it all the time is integrity. The words of the godly lead to life; evil people cover up their harmful intentions. Proverbs 9:11 5. The passion for humility. The balance for strength in leadership humbleness in attitude is a constant battle for most people. Pretending to be strong or humble will not fill the gaps in your leadership. Only awareness plus action based on humility fits the gap. Humility is the counter-balance to your giftedness. 6. The passion for spiritual discipline and surrender. We often hear about self-discipline but without spiritual maturity, it often leads to self-destruction and dozens of personality disorders so prevalent today. Could this be why 80% of Americans are using some kind of mood or mind-altering drug. 7. The passion to live within reasonable limits. All great leaders know and practice healthy limits in every area of life including health, finances and relationships. Learning to live within your limits while serving an unlimited God is what separates great leaders from all the rest. Never limit God but never over run your own limitations--its called Wisdom. No one ever leveraged his leadership influence more than Jesus Christ of Nazareth than when He took twelve average marketplace people; formed them into a team; ignited their passion for a cause; and leveraged that into a force that turned their world upside down. Key: Dont spend much time pulling the weeds in your leadership garden--just keep planting more flowers and eventually they overtake the weeds. 14th - 16th March Thought for the Day - Wanted ? We are born to evolve, Beyond Childhood Memories......................... achildunheard/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2776&sid=a51f711f2ced9051d83fd6233c4a38ca THOUGHT Thought brings things before our minds in various ways, perception and imagination for instance, and enable us to consider these things and trace their interrelationships. Thought is that which enables our will or spirit to range far beyond the boundaries of our immediate environment. Through it our consciousness reaches into the past, present and future, by reasoning and scientific thinking, by imagination and art - and also by divine revelation, which comes to us mainly in the form of thought. Comment : The journey of knowing the child within, allows our being to be transformed by divine revelation. A CHILD UNHEARD - A TIMELESS MESSAGE - START THE CHANGE TODAY
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 11:32:45 +0000

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