Lez speak Ramadan.... The day we see the Angel in their real - TopicsExpress


Lez speak Ramadan.... The day we see the Angel in their real Angelic form is our last day on this earth. When a Mumin(Believer)is about to die, Angels descends and the Soul is Pull out gently, whiles the soul is coming out youre been given glad tidings of where youre going and not to worry about your family u left behind for Allah will take care of them. Your soul will be taken to Allah and whilst it passes by any Angel they feel the scent and ask whose soul is this? And they reply is the Soul of such and such. Whiles your soul is taken to Allah, the body will be buried in this world and after your Soul is been excorted by the angels back from Allah into your body in the grave youll have to get up and Answer the Questions, there youre brought back to life for Questioning and after you answer the Questions perfectly. Youll be told to sleep back like a man whos got a new bride. And thats where youll be in a state of Barzakh between Life and Death till the day of reckoning.... To be continued... I humbly stand to be corrected..
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 05:59:05 +0000

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