Lezenke (final Episode) Written By: #Prince Wako Pitori (Prince - TopicsExpress


Lezenke (final Episode) Written By: #Prince Wako Pitori (Prince Mazibuko) Kat,Ntombi and Dudu looked at each other as if they were all about to faint.Mokoena looked at them then he exploded with laught.He looked at them and said Live a little.Im just pulling your leg.I only said that because I know the reason why youre hear.You want me to help you look for your father.Come in.Kat shook his head with a little smirk of relief as they took their shoes of and made their way into the hut.When they got into the heart,Mokoena asked them to sit down while he got ready.He then took out his home made duffle bag that was made of cow skin then he held it infront of Kat.He told Kat to blow into the bag then one after the other he asked Ntombi and Dudu to do the same.He shook the bag and began to breathe heavily as the bones made a rattling sound inside the bag.His spirits kicked in when he threw the bones then he began to shout Iyooooooh!!!!!!yeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiy!!!!uhhhhmmmmmmmm!!!!iyaaaaaa!!heishhhhhhhhhhh.They all watched him attentively then he began to talk.I see a tall man!!!I see a tall dark skinned man!!!Hes not moving!!This means his not well at all!!Something is eating him up inside!!I cant see his face!!When he looks at me my mind goes blank but I can feel that he has a big scare on his face!!Iyooooooh!!!!.His heart is not pure at all!!!Hes standing in the middle of nowhere.Theres nothing around him!!!!Yeeeeiy!!!!!Vumani booo!!!!!!!!!!Vumani Boooooo!!!!!Theres something in both his hands!!In the right hand he has a set of cards!!!iyyoooooo!!!!!uhM!!!In the other hand he has a set of dice!!!!!!Theres blood inside his pockets!!!!!This means hes in financial trouble!!!!!!!!Iyoooooooh..aksa bona selo!!!ke fella gona mo!!!!...Mokoena took a deep breath then he wiped the sweat off his forehead and opened his eyes.Kat,Ntombi and Dudu looked at each other then Kat whispered,he must have some sort of gambling problem but then where are we going to look for him??.They all kept quiet for a second then they looked at each other as they all said Morula sun!!.They all stood up then they put their shoes on and headed to the main road.At the main road they caught a taxi that headed straight to Mabopane.They got of at the gate then Ntombi opened her purse and payed for all of them.They entered the yard then they headed straight to the casino door.When they got into the casino they began to ask around about a guy with a big scar on his face but no one really gave them the attention because everyone was just thinking about the money that they were making or losing.They then saw a man wearing the casino cleaning uniform heading to the door as if he had knocked off.Kat ran to the guy then when he got to him he described the man that they were looking for.The guy scratched his head once or twice then he said,That sounds like Jacob!Hes a regular gambler so I believe hes in there some where.As Kat said Thank you and turned around to go look for the his father,the guy said Does he also owe you money like everyone else???.Kat shook his head then he said Eish.Its very complicated.The guy gave Kat a tap on the shoulder since he had noticed that Kat was down and confused.Good luck my man.It sounds like youre in desperate need of Jacob.Good luck boy.The guy continued with his walk and made his way out of the casino.One of the security gaurds approached Dudu and asked her to wait outside because of their pregnancy policy.As Dudu made her way out of the casino,Kat and Ntombi went opposite directions and began to look for this guy.After a few minutes of hunting,Ntombi ran to Kat then she pulled him by the hand to where she had found the man.She then pointed with her finger and when Kat looked up,the man who was supposed to be their father was surrounded by 3 huge nigerian men.They probably worked for someone who this man owed money to.The two big guys grabbed him aggresively and dragged him out of the casino as Kat and Ntombi followed from a distance so they found Dudu waiting outside.When they got outside they saw the man being dragged into a black car.After a few minutes the cars door opened again and the guy with a scare fell was thrown out.He was bleeding and you could see that he had been beaten up badly.As the car drove off,they ran to the man to try and help him but something strange happened.The black car stopped and reversed back to where Kat,Ntombi,Dudu and their father were.The doors opened.The boss came out from the back seat and looked at them.He then asked Do you know this man that youre helping???Hes a thief.He borrows peoples money and runs away with it....Kat looked at this rich looking man wearing a black suit then he said,Trust me we know how Good he is at running away.Believe it or not,this is our father but weve never even met him before.The three of has are half siblings from different mothers and we didnt even know because he left our mothers and abondoned us.Right now our lifes are a mess because of him.Strangely this man listened to them very attentively and they could see that he was really touched.They all explained their stories to him and as they expressed themselves a tear fell from his eye but he made an excuse by saying Sorry theres something in my eye.This rich man gave each of them a hug and asked but why did you go through so much trouble to look for a man that left you.Kat looked at him and said all he has to do is tell us the truth about our roots and true culture as a father then our ancestors will accept us.Thats all we want.Kat also told this man the whole thing about his mother then the man called and ambulance to fetch the injured father.He then told Kat,Dudu and Ntombi to get into his car.He took them to the hospital.They all went to the room where Kats mother was being kept then the man suggested that they should go to the other ward to check their father while stayed behind with Kats mother.When they got there their father was still unconcious but they waited.They waited for about 5 hours then when he finaly woke up,Ntombi was the 1st one to ask Why did you leave us Dad??.The man looked at them and said This must be a mistake.Iv never had a single baby in my life.All of a sudden Kat stared into mid air as if he had remembered something then #Slow motion# he ran out of the room.#SlowMotion# Dudu and Ntombi followed him as they shouted wait!!!.He headed to his mothers room and when he got there,he saw the docters pushing his mother back into the room with on a bed from the operation theatre.The docter smiled and said She made it.Her new organ was a perfect match she survived the operation.Kat asked but who donated the organ.The docter answered by simply saying the man next door.Unfortunately he didnt make it.He died a few seconds after we put him into the room.Kat,Dudu and Ntombi rushed next door and saw a body lying on the bed covered with a sheet.Kat slowly pulled the sheet off the face to check who it was.It was THE RICH MAN WHO BROUGHT THEM TO THE HOSPITAL....The docter walked into the room with 3 letters in his hands.Im so sorry.He said I should give you these.It was three letters and each of them had a name.One was for Kat,one was for Ntombi and the other was for Dudu.Kat opened his letter and red it.It said DEAR SON..I CANT BELIEVE YOUVE GROWN SO OLD.THERE IS REALLY NO EXCUSE FOR WHAT I DID TO YOU AND YOUR SISTERS.I WAS YOUNG AND STUPID.I GREW UP AND STILL DIDNT FIX MY MISTAKE.ALL I CARED ABOUT WAS MONEY.WHEN YOU ALL TOLD ME YOUR MOTHERS NAMES,I KNEW YOU WERE MY CHILDREN....THE LEAST I COULD DO WAS SACRIFICE MY LIFE FOR YOUR MOTHERS SURVIVAL.I DONT EXPECT YOU TO FORGIVE ME BECAUSE I DONT DESERVE YOUR FORGIVENESS....Im SURE YOURE WONDERING WHY THE SANGOMA DESCRIBED THE MAN WHO OWES ME.WELL I GUESS HE KNEW HE WAS GOING TO LEAD YOU TO ME.TAKE CARE OF YOUR MOTHER AND SISTERS.I CALLED MY LAWYER WHEN YOU WENT TO THE OTHER MANS ROOM THINKING HE WAS YOUR DAD.IVE DIVIDED MY BELONGINGS INTO 3....EACH OF YOU IS GOING TO INHERIT A COMPANY AND A HOUSE.ALL THE CARS BELONG TO YOU.THE MONEY IN THE BANK WILL BE DIVIDED AMOUNGST YOUR SISTERS.IN MY MAIN HOUSE,YOU WILL FIND A SPEAR,A SHIELD AND BEEDED BLANKET MADE FROM COW SKIN.I GOT THAT FROM YOUR GRAND FATHER.IT BELONGS TO YOU NOW.THE ANCESTORS WILL ACCEPT YOU NOW!!! FACE THE WORLD SON.SHOW THEM THAT THEY CANT TEAR YOU APART BECAUSE YOUR SPIRIT SE IRILWE KA..............LEZENKE!!!! .............THE END............ Bathong follow me on twitter >>@PrinceWakoPta All rights reserved @PrinceWakoPta
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 20:29:39 +0000

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