Liam has been sad the last few days He mentioned yesterday - TopicsExpress


Liam has been sad the last few days He mentioned yesterday morning before school that he has no friends. I asked if something happened at school the day before, I was surprised if something did as he was his normal self after school. Through talking I found out his mates are playing basketball during little play and lunch time. Liam wont join in as he doesnt have the strength yet to push the ball high enough to shoot for goal. We are working on this and in the next few weeks he will surprise himself when he has the skills to do it. This doesnt help him now, to himself he cant do anything As we were on a school trip yesterday Basketball wasnt a factor or so I thought. He shut himself in his room last night, he does this when his emotions are getting too overwhelming for him, he needs his space to get his emotions out then he will come back out and be happy again. We respect his space during these times.... Last night we heard a gut wrenching cry, a cry of a person who is so sad you can hear their heart breaking. I asked him what was wrong but he told me to go away. I listened at his door and heard the cries along with him telling himself off. After awhile he came out and I asked him to hang with me in my room. In his mind he feels that No one likes him, he feels that none of you should like his page, he thinks he cant do anything right and he is stupid. He hates the fact that he cant do the same things as his mates, he hates the fact that he cant just join in and not worry about everything, he hates that he cant go up to other classmates and talk to them. I reassured Liam that his mates love him but they want to play basketball and they would him to play with them and in time he will be able to shoot goals too. I told him that we can start finding out more on Pokemon and mine craft so he can make small talk with his classmates, I told him everyone loves him and cares for him. I told him I to find it hard to make small talk with people and I understand how this can make him sad, angry and feeling stupid. I think Liam is at a point where he is really noticing the differences in him to others. He is noticing how hard it is for him to just speak to someone when his small social network is not around him, he knows he wants to interact with others but just doesnt have the right skills yet to act on it. He has been at school for over 3 hours now, since then I have spoken to his teachers, arranged a play date with a class mate, emailed his OT for advice on basketball skills,organised a appointment for a referral for Liam to see a Whole brain Psychologist and cried my eyes out. It is so heartbreaking to see him so sad, but as normal he picks himself up and keeps trying. The thing is this time we know that there is so much more bubbling under the surface, we can only encourage him to talk to us, that any feelings that doesnt make him happy he should communicate with me in some form. This song came to mind this morning. It is so relevant to Liam and I
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 01:57:45 +0000

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