Liam is the shy and quiet sort of chap, much preferring to be in - TopicsExpress


Liam is the shy and quiet sort of chap, much preferring to be in the background and not intervene in things going on around them. This is primarily due to his lack of self-confidence, not helped by the fact he harbours a naturally shy nature, lacking any form of assertiveness at all. This is due to the fact the young child was often shifted from foster home to foster home, never really settling in anywhere for very long. With just one exception. Only one person ever did attempt to help and support Liam. Her name was Rosie, and at 25 years old, she had discovered she’d never bare any children of her own. The news broke her heart, and she no longer felt like she’d ever have a family. Untill she found Liam walking home from school one night, lost and alone, scared and hungry. She felt the need to help him and took the young child back to the orphanage, where an idea struck her. Become a foster mom. At the recommendation of a worker, Liam and Rosie were paired together, and all seemed happy. The woman was as loving and protective of Liam as a birth mother would be, and though she’d spoil him often, she brought him up to be a loving and respectful young man, with a big heart. She even managed to get him out of his shell in public situations, an accomplishment previously thought impossible by others. He’d been living with her for nearly two years, and permanent adoption was well underway. Unfortunately, just two days prior to the official verdict, the young woman was kidnapped before Liam’s eyes, causing him to become an emotional wreck for months afterwards, and nearly silent for the best part of 6 years, hardly uttering a word to anybody unless he needed to do so. Thankfully after this, Liam didn’t end up in abusive or neglectful homes, but none wanted to deal with what they saw as a troubled child. They didn’t understand he couldn’t attach himself to anybody, scared of losing them like he did Rosie. They thought he was cold, unloving. Dreadfully frightened of thunderstorms, he doesnt really like to be left alone during them, and will usually remain wide awake and terrified when alone, not able to sleep through the noise or the sudden bright lights. As such, Liam often remains awake all night, crying in fear and a need to be back with the mother who loved him. Liam wants to be known, and identify as Lily-Rose, knowing he was born into the wrong body. To Liam, he is, and should be a female, not a male. Caught when trying on the dress of a foster sister, he was sent straight back into care by the father of the family, a strongly religious sort of person. Unfortunately for Lily, this news got out fast. Now the centre of ridicule and bulling both in school, and in the safe house, he has been forced to act like Liam once more, much to her dismay. All she wants is to be who she truly is, and to have Rosie back, the only person she ever called “Mom”. _____ Standing at the mirror, Liam bit his lip as he looked over his flat chest and down his thin form, to the towel wrapped around his waist, covering his shame. Brining his blue eyes back up as he rose his head, his hands moved to run through his brown hair, stopping abruptly at his shoulders. His stomach lurched as if hed been punched in it, twisting and churning. Kneeling down quickly, he threw up into the toilet beside him, sobbing into his hands as he knelt there, not quite having the energy, nor the willpower to stand back up and try to calm himself down at that moment in time. Liam... Well, he was disgusted with his current form. He hated being a male. He hated his flat form, he hated the short hair. The voice he had. The fact he was expected to be a masculine wall of emotionless muscle, booze and sporting. All he liked about himself was his eyes. After about fifteen minutes, he stood and moved to the sink, washing his mouth and face, shuddering softly. Another day of feeling like he didnt belong.. Trudging sorrowfully into his bedroom, he closed the door and walked to the wardrobe, pulling it open and looking over his clothing. At the far left side sat a zipped up bag, much like people would carry and store a suit, or wedding dress in. Inside it sat an outfit consisting of a beautiful white dress, long, knee-high sky-blue socks, adorned with clouds and a sun. A long blonde wig hung there too, seeming as if itd cascade to the wearers back, like a river of gold. Staring longingly at the items, Liam shook his head. As much as he wished to wear them, he knew he couldnt. Being Lily wasnt allowed. (Seeking: Somebody capable of playing a female whom, like Liam, has Gender Dysphoria. The plot would focus mainly on the two meeting up, and helping each other to become whom they wish to be. (E.G; Lily might give (Y/C) his clothes, cut their hair into a masculine style, etc. Whereas your character could give Liam their clothing, do make up, and so on. You get the idea, I feel. Can be romance, can be friends. Hell, I dont mind writing them as twins. THAT, however, will not be romantic. The image attached to this is Liam dressed as Lily. It is a drawing, yes. I do not like to use face-claims. Besides, I had this drawn for me by my friend. Why not use it? All credit goes to her. (Exmedic.))
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 23:04:12 +0000

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