Liberal Democrats Party Statement dated 12 September 2014 The - TopicsExpress


Liberal Democrats Party Statement dated 12 September 2014 The Political Council of the “Liberal Democrats Party held their weekly meeting, presided by Tracy Chamoun and discussed the developments. They issued the following statement: Firstly, the Party supports the Jeddah Conference aimed at putting an end to ISIL. Attended by a number of countries in the region, including Lebanon, its aim is to preserve the religious co-existence of the different civilizations in the region, and the rights of minorities to live freely and safely in their homes. In this regard, they warned against underestimating the matter of ISIL and the importance of stopping their sources of funding. It is a known fact that his terrorist organization has more money than most states and is selling millions of dollars of oil on a daily basis. They demanded to put an end to ISIL and the return of the exiled communities to their abandonment homes and properties in dignity and safety with the support and guarantee of the international community, so that it will be a lesson for every potential terrorist in the future. Secondly: The repercussions of the problems in Arsal including the kidnapping of the military and the brutal execution of some has thrown us back into the Middle Ages. The abductions that have swept the Bekaa, and the crimes committed by some of the displaced Syrians have created an atmosphere of dread and fear which that has prompted some to take autonomous measure of security, which the Council rejects entirely, based on past experience. They stresses the need leave the matter of security in the hands of the army and the security forces, and encouraged the participation of volunteers in these legitimate forces after the government issued a call to service. Thirdly: They welcome the decision to carry out elections for a new Parliament after the term of the extension of the mandate expired, which itself was a blight on Lebanon since it led to the vacuum in the presidency and to the absence of legislation, such as monitoring the work of government and accountability, making Lebanon appear to be in disarrays. They insisted that the parliamentary electoral process be conducted within the legal time frame, so that the people may have their say even under the existing electoral law, after to a new law failed to pass which secures proper representation and the fairness of a proportional system. Fourthly: The date of September 23rd for the election of a new president following a vacuum of 128 days, is historic in its symbolism, because it was the date the presidency was previously conferred and is therefor a landmark for democracy at its best. From here they hoped that a consensus would be reached on a candidate who could represent all the Lebanese and work to strengthen the foundations of the republic and the prosperity of the people.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 15:06:20 +0000

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