Liberal, Socialist Class Warfare at its best. Sharon - TopicsExpress


Liberal, Socialist Class Warfare at its best. Sharon Pratt… On one side, the folks who are getting free stuff dont like the folks who are paying for their free stuff, because the folks who are paying for their free stuff can no longer afford to pay for both their own stuff and every one else’s free stuff. On the other side, the folks who are paying for the free stuff want the free stuff to stop, but the folks who are getting the free stuff are being promised by the politicians that they can get even more free stuff on top of the free stuff they are already getting! So, why are the people who are getting the free stuff mad at the people who are paying for the other people’s free stuff? Because the politicians, who are forcing the working people who pay for the free stuff with their tax money, have told the people who are receiving the free stuff that the people who are paying for their free stuff no longer want to keep paying for their free stuff because they are greedy, mean, prejudice, racists, and that they don’t want to pay their ‘fair share’, so that those who are receiving their free stuff can keep on getting their free stuff. The people who are getting the free stuff have been convinced by the politicians, who are forcing the working people to pay for the other people’s free stuff, that they need to hate, and ridicule, and threaten the people who are paying for their free stuff, so that they will be forced to continue to give out the free stuff that they were forced to give out in the first place. The people who are paying for the free stuff have been paying for the free stuff for so long, that, now, there are more people getting the free stuff than there are of those who are paying for the free stuff. You can see I’m trying to get you to understand this whole free stuff thingie by using a little humor - but, here’s where a sober dose of reality comes in... In order for the government to give something to someone; it must take that something away from someone else. Those politicians who promise voters they will force others to provide them with free stuff will get elected to office because, in exchange for their vote, voters figured out they can vote ‘themselves’ money from the government’s treasury…at the expense of the tax payer. History shows us that, due to forcing their working people to provide free stuff to their non-working people, all great democracies of the past have committed financial suicide somewhere between 200 and 250 years after their founding; The United States officially became a Republic in 1776…237 years ago. Folks, America is surging up to crunch time! The number of people getting free stuff now outnumbers the taxpaying working people who pay for their free stuff. Failure to change this lethal trend signals the end of the Democratic Republic of the United States, as we know it. For all our sake, PLEASE Take a Stand!!! Election ‘2014’ is right around the corner. If America is to be saved, it (YOU) had better WAKE UP – because when we run out of taxpayers to foot the bill for the free stuff…all hell is going to break loose !!!
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 16:18:15 +0000

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