Liberal or Labor ? There was a time when I chose between these - TopicsExpress


Liberal or Labor ? There was a time when I chose between these two parties. I watched Australia swap from one to the other over and over again. Each time, the majority of Australians were soon unhappy with the new government despite great optimism at the beginning of each new term. I had to ask myself, How can I possibly vote for Lib or Lab when both have proven to be corrupt over and over again. How can I possibly vote for Lib or Lab when promises made by both parties have been broken over and over again. How can I possibly vote for Lib or Lab when both parties have lied to me over and over again. Does anyone truly believe that Lib or Lab make decisions based on what is best for Australia or its people? They are both puppets and slaves to multinational companies, rich individuals, entrenched corruption and their own egos. If one or even a few good, intelligent, honest people do make it into one of these two parties they are completely powerless against such an ingrained system. The battle Australia is facing today is not Lib vs Lab, black vs white, Muslim vs Christian or miner vs conservationist. These are just divide and conquer tactics the rich and powerful use via the media they own to take your eye off the ball. The battle Australia is facing today is the rich minority vs the rest of us. And we are losing fast, faster than ever before. We are very quickly losing our right to free speech, our right to protest, our standard of living, clean water, clean air, good education, good medical treatment, good food, our rights at work, our right to retire, our right to protect our farmland and the list goes on. We will soon be so controlled that it will not be possible to turn things around, as it already is in many other countries. For those who have not guessed, I am now going to say The Greens! But please, before you stop reading, close your mind or refuse to consider this alternative, consider this: People stand for election for Lib and Lab because they are passionate about money, power and their egos. People stand for election for The Greens because they are passionate about Australia, the environment and the lives of every day Australians. How many people actually know what The Greens policies are? Id say not many, one would have to google The Greens policies and take a look, as they do not have the money to advertise as much as lib or lab. Why? Because Lib and Lab receive massive amounts of donations from rich individuals and big multinational companies. The Greens do not. Why? Because multinational companies and rich people absolutely do not, under any circumstances want The Greens to be elected. Why would that be?
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 04:19:22 +0000

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