Liberals Fail Us All By Opposing First Nations Transparency and - TopicsExpress


Liberals Fail Us All By Opposing First Nations Transparency and Accountability The Federal Liberal leader has stated he would scrap our Government’s First Nations Financial Transparency Act. The same new federal legislation that led to the recent revelation that the chief of a small British Columbia band had received income last year totalling close to $1 million. Trudeau made the pledge in a Vancouver Sun interview where he said: “Actually, I wouldn’t keep the legislation in place.” Neither he nor the Liberal Party have specifically committed to a law that requires chiefs and councillors to make their remuneration available, not just to band members but Canadians at large. After all, this is taxpayers’ money we are talking about and it comes out of the pockets of all hard-working, taxpaying Canadians. In contrast to the Liberals, our Government believes that First Nations, like all Canadians, deserve transparency and accountability from their local governments. That is why we passed the First Nations Financial Transparency Act; which empowers community members and ensures that they are informed of their community’s financial situation. Unbelievably, the Liberals voted against it. The Liberal position is irresponsible and fails all Canadians including those members of First Nations communities who are not receiving the necessary services from their local Band Councils that these funds are meant to provide. Their commitment to repeal the First Nations Financial Transparency Act is an affront to these community members and all taxpayers. The Liberals should listen to grassroots band members like Phyllis Sutherland, of the Peguis First Nation and president of the Peguis Accountability Coalition who said “Bill C-27 will lead to big changes in accountability and transparency in First Nation communities. People at the grassroots level will be able to access information about their community without fear of intimidation or reprisal.” Canadians can rest assured that our Government will vigorously defend this legislation and oppose any Liberal effort to weaken it. Robert Sopuck, MP Dauphin-Swan River-Marquette
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 20:18:57 +0000

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