Liberals, Liberal media, and liberalism, in general, is a MENTAL - TopicsExpress


Liberals, Liberal media, and liberalism, in general, is a MENTAL DISEASE. This acceptance of “cracker” is a racial slur towards white people. BUT if a white person used porch monkey, moon cricket, or Boon, they would be attacked by the media, shamed into exile. This is true hypocrisy born out of this obsessive compulsive disorder to denigrate others carte blanch when they are called out on their double standard. But if a racial slur was done to them or their “voting victims” they have created scream murder and in turn have their mainstream liberal attempt to destroy that person who did this horrible deed to them. They exaggerate and display in true liberal fashion their “act” towards this deed done to them, in essence making a mountain out of a molehill. This is a TRUE mental disease WRAPPED IN NEUROSIS. It ranks up there with Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s and other neurological diseases. They persist in there failed agenda of trying to attach a solution to a problem that has nothing to do with the problem. Despite their solutions failure and its madness and in spite of all the data that shows their visionary fantasies and stupid remarks are all failures, it therefore falls under the old saying insanity is doing the same things over and over again expecting different results. Yet, despite all the evidence against it, the modern liberal mind believes their agenda is good social science. It is, in fact, bad science fiction. Adding to the fact that the liberal mindset always has scapegoats, far flung theories, distortions and above all LYING, to prop up and keep their mindless fantasies and doctrines moving. So when the modern liberal mind displays their brand of hypocrisy, whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains, speaks of conspiracies and credulous statements and above all seek to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes painfully obvious.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 14:08:24 +0000

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