Liberals have swung this door wide open... so I have ANOTHER RIGHT - TopicsExpress


Liberals have swung this door wide open... so I have ANOTHER RIGHT we should tax and regulate in the EXACT same way we handle the right to bear arms. The irresponsible and/or violent outbursts of a few deranged individuals can now be CLEARLY seen to justify new laws. I propose the following COMMON SENSE MEASURES... and if they save the lives of innocent people... - Effective immediately, EVERY Muslim must obtain a PERMIT TO PRACTICE ISLAM. These permits will need to be renewed every few years and will cost the permit holder $100. Revenues from this permit process will be used to combat extremism. - All Korans shall require a serial number so that we may track them and make sure they are legally used. The state and federal governments shall build and maintain databases of all Korans. Any Muslim found in possession of a Koran without a permit shall be subject to arrest, fines and imprisonment. - Thorough background checks shall be conducted on all permit requests. No individual with a criminal record, a history of violence or any form of mental illness should EVER be allowed access to Islam. History CLEARLY shows what happens when Korans fall into the wrong hands. - Every mosque shall submit extensive paperwork to obtain federal permits allowing them to preach Islam and/or distribute Korans. These dealers of Islam shall be held to very strict standards and extreme penalties if they do not stay within federal guidelines. - It will NOT be easy for Muslims to stay within the law. We will write approximately 20,000 confusing laws governing and regulating the free exercise of Islam. Any Muslim that violates any of these laws will have their permit to practice Islam revoked permanently, and will face fines and/or imprisonment for violations. - Mosques will submit detailed records to the federal government showing daily attendance. Any discrepancies in record keeping will result in permit suspension, and the mosque will be shut down until they sort it out with the Bureau of Religion, Media and Thought Control. Multiple discrepancies will result in permanent revocation and possible imprisonment. - Transport of Korans and other religious paraphernalia shall be strictly regulated. All Korans shall henceforth be sold with locking mechanisms to ensure that they do not fall into the wrong hands. Korans shall be transported in locked cases between the home and religious institutions. While in the home, they shall be locked at all times unless they are in use. - Anyone wishing to carry an unlocked Koran in public shall obtain a special permit. Carriers Shall keep Korans hidden at all times. Public display of a Koran shall be considered a threatening gesture, and the offender shall be subject to fines and/or imprisonment. - The federal government will regulate the design of the Koran. Certain passages will be deemed especially dangerous, and shall be outlawed from new Korans and considered illegal to sell or transfer. Older Korans containing these passages may be grandfathered and can be registered. A special permit will be required for those who wish to own or carry grandfathered passages. - Other dangerous passages in the Koran can likewise be considered as incitements to violence, and limits should be imposed. We will therefore set an arbitrary limit of 10 dangerous passages per Koran. Korans containing more than 10 of these passages will be illegal. Various states may set their own arbitrary limits as to which passages are allowed and how many are permissible (15, 10, 7, 6 or whatever is deemed suitable). ALL of this is now WELL ESTABLISHED as perfectly legal under liberal Democrat ideology. They have argued that NONE of this is considered a violation of civil liberties. As Democrats have repeatedly pointed out, these are COMMON SENSE MEASURES to avert the actions of a deranged and violent few.
Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 03:56:19 +0000

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