Library Political Leadership Typology of political leaders © - TopicsExpress


Library Political Leadership Typology of political leaders © G. Avtsinova Typology of political leader Each leader has specific traits , management methods , the impact on the masses, ways to achieve goals , etc. Based on various criteria , can select various types of leaders . Distinguished on the scale of national leaders , a certain class of various social strata. Leaders divided into lions and foxes ( Pareto ) . Type of policy - fox combines qualities such as the ability to maneuver , to anticipate the course of events, to hide their true intentions , intentions, be tricky , careful not to be able to get in traps placed confuse their tracks , etc. Policy - lions are often straightforward, method of power pressure and often fall into the turbot . Their basic principle - to crush the enemy at a crucial moment in an open battle . Ideal type - politician with destructive force and firmness of a lion, agility and cunning fox. This phenomenon is very rare .. If this project on the typology of the leaders of our country , the nature and activities of MS Gorbachev dominated features foxes , and BN Yeltsin - features a lion , although as you gain experience in political activity of the latter is becoming more flexible and maneuverable. MG Bern divides leaders into two categories: Converters and hustlers . First act in accordance with its concept of social development. Second - are focusing on details without creating a global view on how society should be eventually . Burns believes that leadership arising from party political activity , under normal circumstances leads to a business type , and revolutionary - to transformative [1] . Great influence on researchers had typology, developed by German philosopher and sociologist Max Weber . He singled out the traditional leadership based on the belief in the sanctity and permanence of traditions ( become a leader in the power of tradition , for example, when the son of the monarch inherits the post after his fathers death) ; charismatic leadership , based on faith in the ability of exceptional leader who has charisma , revealed to him by God ; rational- legal leadership based on a belief in the legitimacy of the existing order , the election and business competence of the individual [2]. The most interesting phenomenon M Weber thought charisma. It is based solely on the leaders personality , which is attributed divine powers . The relationship between him and the ground are emotionally - mystical character . From the masses requires full personal loyalty to the leader , who performs historic mission . Change in power of a leader is difficult to quantify , because it can not be carried out in accordance with established traditions or established legal norms. Usually begins a fierce struggle for power , which leads to the instability of the political system . Charismatic leadership is historically encountered in various political systems. As an example of this type can cause Yu Caesar , Napoleon , Hitler, Mussolini, Fidel Castro , Kim Il Sung , Mao , Lenin and Stalin . This type of leader can not be assessed unambiguously. In a period of profound structural transformations charismatic leader sometimes its very existence is able to unite the nation , to instill faith in the success of the reforms. However, the masses often formed paternalist consciousness , and they shift the care of its existence , the resolution of all problems on the shoulders of the leaders . Polish political scientist E. Vyatr towards ideology highlights the type of leader , ideologue and leader - pragmatics. The first true ideology of his movement , even with the threat of loss of power and influence , the second way to abandon ideological principles in order to preserve power. Depending on the ratio of the supporters of charismatic leader - forms will of others , the leader - representative expresses the will of those who stand behind him . With respect to the opponents E. Vyatr allocates type of leader - compromiser , which, as far as possible, seeks to mitigate conflict , finding a compromise , and fanatic leader , striving for maximum aggravation of the conflict , destroy the enemy at any cost , depending on the extent to which policies able to revise the previously formulated judgments , consider the opinions of others , accept criticism , highlights the type of open Vyatr leader and leader - dogmatic [3] Interesting typology in terms of the national epic archetypes proposed domestic researcher K. Pleshakov . He believes that Stalin - is George , Khrushchev - Ivan Tsarevich , Brezhnev - Emelya [4]. There are also other typologies . We based typology take the following criteria : relevance to the authorities , the methods and techniques to achieve their goals , the type of activity , relationship to reality . To the authorities and the opposition can distinguish ruling leader. Opposition type is in turn subdivided into two subtypes - confrontational opposition subtype implacable opponent of the government, eager to overthrow it at any cost , and constructive opposition - subtype criticizing this power but not focused on its immediate overthrow Acting under legal conditions , this type of leader is more powerful influence on the masses as through the media and through direct contact with them, directly appealing to him. Criticizing the existing power , its mistakes and miscalculations , thereby gaining points for future victory , the opposition leader , usually enjoys great sympathy of the masses and from this point of view is more advantageous position nom than conquer leader . He does not have to be accountable to the voters, he is not liable for these or other failures , distancing himself from the unpopular measures , etc. The opposition is always right in Toth litarno - authoritarian systems , as well as in terms of the revolution , when the intensity of the class contradictions reaches the limit , confrontational opposition - dominated type of leader . His arrival to power often leads to a change in the political course of the country , a profound transformation . In a stable , well- developed society with a long democratic tradition and a healthy economy is dominated by constructive- type opposition leader , whose differences from the ruling are quite conventional . They relate paths, timing , methods of achieving common goals. Therefore, the transformation of structurally - opposition leader in the ruling is done by legitimate means and does not lead to drastic changes in public life and system of the country . Moreover, the president from one party can rule in terms of another party of the parliamentary majority . Departure from power , usually voluntary , or in opposition to the political arena does not mean political death of the leader . Anyway, this figure continues to play a very prominent role in politics ( former U.S. presidents Nixon , Reagan , Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in the UK , etc.). Of course , this provision does not exclude the operation of a democratic political systems - confrontational opposition leaders , but they do not have a significant impact on the political stability of these countries. Power - not just a certain way and the type of social interaction . Conquer leaders conditionally divided into two subtypes : the egocentric and sociocentric . Egocentric type of leader focuses on power itself. Power may have a different value for a particular policy . It can be regarded as a tool compensation inferiority of early - physical or mental disability of the person , which mobilized its great achievements (this idea naskazyvalas J. Lasswell and others). This approach is not without foundation. It is known that Kennedy suffered from a childhood spinal injury , Stalin - from defect hands ryabinok on the face, small stature . He felt keenly dislike classmates, which is attributed to poverty and low birth his family. Inferiority complex suffered in childhood Wilson Roosevelt . Having the right to exist, this point of view , in my opinion , is narrow and does not reflect the complexity of life . Because of suffering from an inferiority complex more common passive people . Power can also be considered as a means of tangible and intangible goods ( wealth, fame , prestige, fame, popularity , access to the higher strata of society, etc. ) or as a means of domination over others, the pleasure of someones relationship with respect to itself ( a kind of political sadism ) . Sociocentric subtype ruling leader sees the main sense of activity in the service of the Fatherland , the implementation of public debt. Sociocentric orientation can not be determined for some statements of the leader. Evaluation makes the story itself . In addition, egocentric and sociocentric motives do not necessarily exclude each other . You can simultaneously experience the desire to serve the Motherland , people and famous, rich. According to the method , and methods to achieve these goals can be distinguished reformist politician , a supporter of gradual evolution , flowing techniques and revolutionary politics , follower steep , radical methods ; realist , taking into account only possible in this situation means to an end , and adventurer , is guided only illusory assets, which sometimes gets lost and the goal itself . Differ by type of activity types politician ideology and policy - organizer. Powerful ideologues are Lenin , Bukharin , Jefferson, Lincoln , Roosevelt, de Gaulle , Gorbachev , who made a huge breakthrough in the understanding of the policy, you - motion new ideas ( New Deal of Roosevelt , the idea of a common European home of de Gaulle , Gorbachevs new political thinking and others . ) . Organizer government does not raise fundamentally new ideas , but he is able to mobilize material , human resources for implementation of the concept put forward by ideologues , but not least . In relation to reality can distinguish types of leader : realist , fanatic and romance . As you know , politics - the art of the possible. Realist , pushing adequate social needs goals and objectives, based on the objective reality , no matter how good or bad it may be, of the balance of forces , the level of consciousness of the masses , their degree of readiness to perform assigned tasks. Fanatic guided their ideological aspirations , forcing them to the public , completely disregarding the reality in its center orientation - an exaggerated need for power , achieving their goals at any cost. Hence - the intolerance of dissent , any objections , ideas different from his understanding of the ways and methods of exercising power , solving various problems , pathological suspicion , alertness to all that contradicts it created the model view . Leader romantic at first can inspire , inspire masses of any bright idea , promises speedy implementation dreams in life This type of policy has not developed the ability to adequately respond to changing conditions and adjust their actions . This does not mean that he does not notice the change, but he does not realize that for the realization of this idea requires maturity primarily public relations, rather than a simple declaration of its inevitable difficulties lead to confusion romance , he sometimes acts rashly , hastily. Sharp wit , irrepressible desire for change , courage , risk tolerance , haste , hasty , emotion , confusion and despair at the first difficulties - traits policy - romance At kinks public life, cool , critical stages of the history of activated populist type of leader he is very controversial idol crowd , calling her enthusiasm and able to achieve its unreserved support It expresses the real needs of the masses , actively drawn into political life , seeking to directly influence the formal institutions power to make important political decisions. But the political effect is often through the use of short-term funds , private or achieve immediate results while ignoring the common or long-term consequences of decisions . Relying on the discontent of the masses the real state of affairs , one or other leaders , anger , emotional outbursts, this type of leader exploits any idea ( abolition of privileges , socialism , patriotism, national sovereignty , etc.) , often simplifying and primitiviruya challenges and thus supporting resentment among the masses, their longing miracle accelerate the achievement possible thus the simplest and shortest way here - a bizarre mix of realistic , sober assessments and fantastical , unrealistic projects, programs typically populist not calculate a serious political and social consequences proclaimed slogans. This type of leadership is found in all countries , but we have it is fairly widespread This is due to a number of features of economic, political and cultural development of the country, its traditions, the uniqueness of the Russian national character. One of the major causes of widespread populism is that our citizens overwhelmingly alienated from power and property, subject to powerful processes lumpenization very prone to all sorts of verbal promises fantastic projects , grandiose plans for remaking the world. But for any project of social reform should be treated with so much distrust , more than satisfactorily resolved it , at first glance, all the difficulties , - wrote G. Sorel . In civilized countries , where the majority of the population is middle class having . Relatively high standard of living of citizens very wary of the different kinds of demagoguery , abstract slogans and promises, irresponsible calls disobey the government , not wanting to risk the stability of his position . Any politician needs the support of the masses, without which it is impossible to implement the extended program. What distinguishes the policy followed by the mass flow from the populist ? It should be noted at least two points . First, a leader must lead the masses . Expressing their aspirations , attitudes , interests, he is required to see long-term perspective , to calculate the consequences of political and social ideas , slogans , real steps . Populist same lagging behind masses indulging moods emotions of the crowd. Secondly, in the political process mass always seek to act through direct , forceful pressure . This circumstance was one of the first to note the Spanish philosopher Ortega y Gasset . Therefore, the leader must not only strengthen but also to restrain where necessary, revolutionary impatience of the masses . Same populist , playing on the emotions of the crowd, warms her discontent and bitterness , inflames passions . In todays society a nervous state , intolerance , instability the country to a civilized way of development capable leader with exposure, the ability to consensus decision-making to meet long-term goals and interests of the people . Such typology of political leader , which, of course , is not exhaustive. In addition, theoretical analysis , even the most careful , can not cover all the complexity and diversity of life. Real political practice is always richer theory and generates often combined types of leaders and their various modifications
Posted on: Tue, 20 May 2014 06:26:52 +0000

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