Libya, Gaddafist asserts, we must fight for the liberation of the - TopicsExpress


Libya, Gaddafist asserts, we must fight for the liberation of the country International - By Clement... In Libya, Gaddafist asserts, we must fight for the liberation of the country International - By Clement Fayol - Published June 23, 2014 Franck Pucciarelli is the spokesman in France and Europe Gaddafi movement reorganizes. In an exclusive interview Mondafrique he sets the vision of true fire Libyan Guide. According to them, Libya is busy and salvation will come to the survival of the spirit of the green revolution. Mondafrique. Three years after the armed uprisings in Libya and the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi, his followers how he analyzed the current situation? Franck Pucciarelli. It is clear they are talking about occupation of the country by Islamists supported by NATO and the West. We must fight for the liberation of the country. Contrary to what the French and Western media say, it was already in 2011 a large popular support for Muammar Gaddafi. The Libyan people behind him. I myself witnessed huge demonstrations but they have of course been relayed by Al Jazeera. That feeling has not changed and the chaotic situation that persists since his fall was even strengthened. The sham democracy Tripoli prohibits the creation of a party that seems in line with the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, the current majority has been for decades. As they are in power, Libya will be under the occupation militias financed by international sponsors. Mondafrique. The Gaddafi develop anti Islamic rhetoric to denounce the militia of the February 17 Brigade and Ansar al Sharia, but also the role of Qatar. The rise of secular Haftar General, supported by the United States could compete with you, it does not worry you? F.P. This is a smokescreen. When General Haftar attacks the Brigade on 17 February, he attacked the influence of Qatar, which is considered excessive by the Islamists themselves. In reality this is not the enemy of Islam. For proof just look at it undertakes no military operation in Derna, Sirte and Misrata, which however are Islamist strongholds. Our reading is that there is a consensus between Abdelhakim Belhadj, Ali Zeidan and General Khalifa Haftar to form a government. The interest Zeidan is clear he wants to return. Abdelhakim Belhadj for is the opportunity to get rid of the competition with militiamen on 17 February and to be the sole representative of Qatar. In addition, for three it was important to send a message to the separatists Cyrenaica that control oil wells. Mondafrique. Your movement has lost one of his heads with the arrest of Saadi Gaddafi in early March. Is it always a Gaddafi opposition that weighs? PS We have created the Green Party to reorganize. Saadi was the military side but do not forget that Gaddafi are 2.5 million people exiled and tribal leaders rallied to the cause. Today be called Gaddafi became pejorative but it must be remembered that in 1969, when Colonel Muammar Gaddafi took power, he managed to unite the tribes and create a nation. The spirit of the Green Revolution has not disappeared and the opposition is there. We are at the beginning of the reorganization. We call rally and diplomatic support. Senior officials of the movement, former diplomats and officials who have remained faithful seek to take stock of those who betrayed him. At the same time we want the UN and UNHER (UN program for refugees) recognized the status of exiles. The Gaddafi opposition scares. Recognizing its existence and its weight, Western know that the central government will be weakened. We are not a military approach and there is much to be done politically. Mondafrique. In recent months Libya has witnessed a real tussle between on one side the self-proclaimed Emir of Cyrenaica, Ibrahim Jedran and central government and the Islamists on the other. Is this distrust vis-à-vis the central government was seen as an opportunity for Gaddafi? PS We think its mostly a tribal configuration. This opposition is the realization that the guide had planned: chaos, Islam, Western pillage. About Jedran, it has not the power that he claims. He did not get consensus and do not even try to convince the majority of the country. Our vision is not his. The green movement advocates the idea of a united Libyan nation and certainly not a building divisions with the threat of partition. Mondafrique. The election of General al-Sissi in Egypt is a boon for Gaddafi and bad news for the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood head. For your camp, a new step towards regaining power was taken? FP Falling Morsi was a great relief for us. Since then, our TV channel, Green TV, broadcasting from Egypt. Sissi is a Nasserist and we have common enemies. He solved the problem of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and he knows that nobody else that Gaddafi can not do the same in Libya. But there is not Egypt. Algeria, South Africa, Venezuela and Russia support our cause. These countries are unlike Western legalistic, they see that there is much injustice, and that the Libyan people behind us. Mondafrique. In your opinion, what role does the Western embassies in the Libyan case? FP Propaganda Al Jazeera has done its work. The UN mandate was copiously violated by NATO forces and it is the Westerners who have empowered the Islamists and their allies. France, it had relied on Ali Zeidan, now her favors rather go to Islamist Belhadj. It should be understood that the Western countries who participated in the destruction of the country today have important interests in Libya. Larger companies have been privatized, it represents billions of dollars for investors. The European Union continues to welcome the democratic transition simply because the European Central Bank entered the Libyan Central Bank, its as simple as that. We tried to meet with French officials, but our requests were almost always unanswered. Abdelhakim Belhadj while, also involved in legal proceedings for war crimes in France, made return trips in France, we could see once representatives of the Quai dOrsay and it has nothing given. French diplomacy is based on that of the United States. Apparently, they have not understood that the jihadists in Mali came from Libya. #Libya #Gaddafi #GreenResistance  mondafrique – En Libye, les Kadhafistes l’affirment, « il faut lutter pour la libération du pays » Franck Pucciarelli est le porte-parole en France et en Europe du mouvement kadhafiste qui se réorganise. Dans une interview exclusive à Mondafrique il expose la vision des fidèles du feu Guide Libyen. D’après eux, la Libye est occupée et le salut viendra de la survivance de l’esprit de la révolution verte.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 22:07:58 +0000

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