Lies, Accusations, Intolerance and Smears Most people should have - TopicsExpress


Lies, Accusations, Intolerance and Smears Most people should have noticed by now that every word that comes out of Obama’s mouth is a lie cleverly designed to deceive the uniformed and those not paying attention in order to further manipulate the under-privileged masses. With carefully chosen words designed to create class warfare this president continues to wreak havoc on our Nation on a daily basis. After nearly 3 full years, this failed president still refuses to accept any responsibility for all of his failed socialist, Marxists policies which are largely responsible for the mess we are in. Obama continues to blame everyone and everything for the mess he and his regime have created. He proclaims loudly and daily to all who will listen, that this is all the fault of President Bush, or of the ATM machines or the tsunami and earthquake in Japan or the financial mess in Europe. Even the Arab Spring uprisings….which he directly encouraged….are being blamed. As the most radical, un-American president in the history of our Country, he is aided in this seemingly deliberate destruction of our Country by a corrupt, gangster-style administration which is not afraid to use the power of their positions to threaten or intimidate any opposition. They continually make a mockery of our Constitution, our Department of Justice and our laws. Normal legislative procedures are ignored and by-passed while unpopular legislation is conducted by a powerful few behind closed doors and forced on us with seemingly no recourse. If a ray of truth somehow penetrates the darkness of the subversive, far-left radical agenda of this administration, every effort is made to immediately shut it down. These radical leftists, who have completely taken over the Democrat Party, the labor unions and our universities, are almost visceral in their attacks. Without hesitation, they’ll smear, attack, defame and threaten any opponent who dares shed light on their true agenda. In true “kill the messenger” form, truth bearers are immediately attacked and vilified while being called liars, and various other derogatory names. This extremely objectionable behavior always happens in front of a camera or an audience which they are trying to inflame. These radical leftists always call for compromise and bi-partisanship. However, nothing but contempt is shown to anyone who disagrees with them on any issue. No civil discourse here. I’m sure by now that you’ve noticed that compromise with the far-left means that you must cave-in to their demands. That’s how we got into this mess in the first place. We’ve compromised with them for decades and now they are running the show and we’re paying the price! Carol Byers
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 21:45:11 +0000

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