Life After Life Article No. 13 A LIFE REWIND In A Life - TopicsExpress


Life After Life Article No. 13 A LIFE REWIND In A Life Review, You Are Your Own Judge Every single thing that we ever did while on Earth and every single thought that we ever hatched is recorded in the Astral records. Even the Bible hints at this in the book of Revelation. Mystics call these records Akashic records. After a stint in the Astral “hospital”, a life review follows in what is called the Viewing Room. For some people, this is actually a second life review, the first having occurred in the very moment of death, when their whole life history flashed before them in a moment of time. The Astral chapter of the life review is simply a more formal setting. A life review is panoramic: it’s like you are watching a movie of your life history. Your watch all of it, the good, the bad, and the ugly, surrounded by the so-called spiritual guides and loved ones. This doesn’t take years at all: it occurs in no time. In the Astral plane, time as we experience it on Earth comes to a virtual standstill. What this means is that what you experienced in 70 years on Earth you could experience in the equivalent of probably 7 seconds in the Astral realm. The physics of the Astral realm is such that “matter” there vibrates inconceivably faster than it does here on Earth. So things happen at a must faster and quicker pace than they do on Earth, though the Astral population itself may not be consciously aware of this. YOU ARE YOUR OWN JUDGE Religion talks of a kind of Judgement Day where a divine figure, Jesus in the case of the Bible, presides and decides who goes either to Heaven or to Hell. There is nothing like that at all. In the evolution of the soul, you are your own judge. No one ever judges you in the afterlife. Remember, at your basic spiritual essence, you are a god (JOHN 10:34/PSALMS 82:6), having been made from the substance of God, and a god cannot be judged. If a Jesus figure stepped forward to render judgement over you, it is because that is what your own belief system has called for. As gods, we create our own reality and if you believe there is a Jesus who will judge you after you die, it is going to happen not because it was meant to but because that was the mindset you had whilst on Earth. This is where Reptilians take advantage of the ignorant in the Astral plane and masquerade as angels or Jesuses. Religion has a core of goodness but it has done more harm than good in terms of afterlife expectations. This is not surprising, anyway, considering that religions were created by Reptilians with a view to eternally enslave and manipulate mankind. One reason a Judgement Day does not make sense is that codes of justice are relative: they do not apply uniformly in every dimension or cosmic civilisation. For instance, one may steal not because he is a habitual thief but because that is the only way he can survive. Here on Earth, he automatically breaks the law and appropriate punishment will be exacted against him. At an interdimensional level, on the other hand, when you steal because you had to survive, you haven’t transgressed: it is the motive that counts and not the action. Since the rules of justice are setting-specific, in the Astral plane you are your own judge because you are master of your destiny. That’s why Jesus once remarked, “Man, who made me judge of you?” (LUKE 12:14) A life review is simply a flashback to the life you led on Earth to celebrate the positive things you did and to learn lessons from the ills you committed. Whilst in this world, often we are not aware of the depth of anguish or heartache we cause other people. Some never ever recover from the traumas and emotional misery we inflicted on them. A life review pricks your conscience: it affords you the opportunity to confront yourself, re-introspect, and undertake not to repeat the sins you committed. If the people you so anguished have already crossed over, it behoves you to even take the step to apologise to them. Remember, as I keep saying, we retain the same personality and disposition we had on Earth after we pass: we do not become angels as religion will have you believe. A life review, please take note, is not a judgement session. No one condemns you for the sins you committed on Earth: you condemn yourself. But you have to be careful you do not so condemn yourself as to wish to return to Earth on that basis. RUBBISH REINCARNATION Reincarnation is a commonplace belief. Even Jesus, according to the Bible, hinted at it, when he allegedly said John the Baptist was the new Elijah. Most of the books or Internet posts that talk about life after death present reincarnation as a matter of course – that at some point after death, we are reborn into this world to begin a new life. We are told reincarnation is necessary because there are more lessons we have to learn. Some New Age doctrines even talk of a so-called Lord of Karma who puts you on a scale and if your bad deeds outweigh your good deeds, you are sent back to Earth as a form of punishment. You only qualify to proceed to Heaven when your good deeds outweigh your bad deeds. Reincarnation folks is a scam: it is part of the Reptilian stratagem to keep recycling us back to Earth so we do not progress as souls. That way actually, we keep generating negative energies to sustain the Reptilians indefinitely. Reincarnation is part of the Trap System I have already talked about. If you think about it objectively and even rationally, you will find that it makes no sense at all. First, you do not have to re-assume human form to learn lessons. Past experience is a good enough lesson. Second, when you reincarnate, all your memories are erased: you completely forget your past life. So how do you learn lessons when you do not have a benchmark against which to score your profile in the new life? I will talk about reincarnation in detail at an appropriate stage, but for now here is my tip: if during your life review somebody “advises” that you return to Earth to compensate for the wrongs you did other people, tell them to go get stuffed. Refuse completely. Whoever renders that advice is a rogue: he’s about furthering not the godly agenda but the Reptilian agenda. Remember, the Astral is also controlled by Reptilians just as they control the physical plane, only in the Astral plane their control is more subtle. Death sets us on the way back to Source, or God, and this is a one way passage: we do not shuttle back and forth. In fact, most of the sins we commit here on Earth we repay in one way or the other right here on Earth. For example, people who murder go to jail once they are nabbed and promiscuous people contract all sorts of venereal diseases. Others suffer a great deal of mental and emotional stress out of a sense of guilt for the afflictions they visit on others. So beware of cajolery that inclines you to reincarnate. It is a Devil’s scheme.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 06:18:15 +0000

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