Life... Its an amazing thing. It can be something that brings - TopicsExpress


Life... Its an amazing thing. It can be something that brings much joy, much laughter and yet so much pain. Ive often heard life called a roller coaster. Sometimes all you can do is get on fasten your seatbelt and hang on. There are highs and lows and many instances that take your breath away. Im sitting here in my office right now at the funeral home as a really sweet family is in my chapel saying goodbye to their two-year-old daughter, granddaughter, niece, and cousin. Many are simply asking God why, there are many tears and many unanswered questions as to why God would choose to take from them this little angel at such an early age. Im finding one thing to be extremely prevalent in this situation. Their faith remains high. While they are crushed in their heart, their smiles and their faith are obviously very important in this process. Grief is never easy but I am amazed at the amount of people that manage to find a smile and a ray of sunshine in the middle of their grief. I have often said that I am passionate about what I do. But in times like this all I can do is sit back and scratch my head. Parents Are not supposed to bury their children. While it is in fact a reality in this case, it defies reasoning and understanding. So as I sit here listening to some memories being told and a few laughs and at the same time tears of sorrow, Im reminded on just how good God is and how fragile life is. Many of you have heard me on my video blogs and with this simple phrase you know what to do, pick up the phone, call somebody and tell them you love them. Tonight I want to hug my boys a little bit tighter, I want to take life more precious, just a little bit stronger and while Im thankful to serve this sweet family during this time of loss, my heart goes out to them as well as my prayers.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 21:24:51 +0000

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