Life. Ive come to the conclusion that too many people are wasting - TopicsExpress


Life. Ive come to the conclusion that too many people are wasting it. Correct me if Im wrong here, (Dont really. This is my post.) but shouldnt a person live theirs to the fullest; trying their best to be idiotically happy? After all, we only have one shot at it. Why then do we settle? When I say settle I mean stay where we are, knowing that yeah, this is okay, Im content, but all along feeling that there is something even more extraordinarily great out there. There will be a few moments in life when all your instincts tell you to do something that defies logic, upsets your plans, or may seem crazy to others. When that happens, do it. Listen to your instincts and ignore the odds and the complications. Yes, there are horrendously hard decisions that have to be made at times for one to be able to get to that happiness, but, in the end, when youre 99 and tucked in bed on your last night, hopefully you will be able to leave this world knowing that you did go to that far away college, you did get out of that bad relationship, you did ask that girl/boy out on a date, and you did sit under the stars sharing secrets. Because, who knows? That decision may have been the one that led you to your idiotic happiness. Live Life. Dont settle.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 00:10:53 +0000

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