Life Lessons: The Story of Sarah inspires me alot so I thought - TopicsExpress


Life Lessons: The Story of Sarah inspires me alot so I thought of sharing. Hope someone out there gets some encouragement from it. The waiting when youre not certain is the hardest part, but With God all things are possible. 90yrs?? Is a looooong time some of us have been struggling with our issue for a few yrs n we have already lost hope. Hang in there. Waiting for God to act in our lives may be the hardest task we ever face. Its also true that we can become dissatisfied when Gods solution does not match our expectations. Sarahs life teaches us that when we feel doubtful or afraid, we should remember what God said to Abraham, Is anything too hard for the Lord? (Genesis 18:14, NIV) Sarah waited 90 years to have a baby. Certainly she had given up hope of ever seeing her dream of motherhood fulfilled. Sarah was looking at Gods promise from her limited, human perspective. But the Lord used her life to unfold an extraordinary plan, proving that he is never limited by what usually happens. Sometimes we feel like God has placed our lives in a permanent holding pattern. Rather than taking matters into our own hands, we can let Sarahs story remind us that a time of waiting may be Gods precise plan for us.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 20:41:37 +0000

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