Life Lessons: Wisdom vs Hard Knocks Some people learn life - TopicsExpress


Life Lessons: Wisdom vs Hard Knocks Some people learn life lessons by choice, wisdom, and by standing on the shoulders of people who have gone before them. In other words they dont have to fall headfirst into the muck and mire of lifes avoidable problems in order to realize how ugly things can get. They listen to insightful counsel and intelligently embrace common sense. They are wise, intelligent, and use forethought as they gracefully maneuver around the obvious pitfalls of life. On the other hand, some people have to learn through the painful school of hard knocks. By constantly living on the edge, skirting sin and danger, and throwing wisdom, common sense, and forethought out the window, they always wind up suffering needlessly. As they foolishly and carelessly float through life, all of the sudden, BANG, reality strikes!!! Then they are left to sorrowfully pick up the broken pieces, naively wondering why it all went so dreadfully wrong. Oh, how our world needs more men and women of wisdom, integrity, and common sense. People who are determined to live correctly no matter how attractive the lures and enticements of sin and folly may appear. People who will draw a line in the sand and choose to cooperate with God instead of stubbornly and selfishly blazing their own wreckless course. Why? Because the inevitable end to this foolish type of lifestyle is ALWAYS needless pain, sadness, and separation from the source of wisdom itself. A|F
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 13:54:35 +0000

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