Life Sucks and then you Die, the world is a cold & dark place. - TopicsExpress


Life Sucks and then you Die, the world is a cold & dark place. These are the kinds of things we hear too often in our daily lives and in our conversations with others. Ugh Im tired of high school, I want to graduate and go to college, Ill be free then is followed by ugh college, so much work, so many exams, I just want to graduate and get a job, that would be nice, which is then followed by ugh 8-5 job day after day, god this monotony is killing me, man I miss those college days when I could schedule my time however I wanted to The feeling of wanting a life-partner and starting a family is followed by the feeling of bondage and longing for the days of freedom when it was just me I had to worry about, and no one else. As were going through life, we complain about this person doing this terrible thing, or that person saying that terrible thing. And to add to this, the media does a wonderful job of bringing to our attention ALL the problems going on in the world through the news, and situations that could potentially be faced in our daily lives through depressing serials and TV shows. Its no surprise that our smiles have become so rare in life, and that everyone is afraid to trust others. Now dont get me wrong, of course there is value in staying up to date with current events, so that we can learn from the past and know what to do moving forward. But too often, even without our knowledge sometimes, many of these forms of media kindle a sense of hatred and fear within. If we all feel hatred inside then how will we be able to make others happy? How will we ever see world peace? Its something we all want after all, isnt it? Its got to start from ourselves! Once we raise an inner sense of love and appreciation for everything in life, both the good and bad, and become an embodiment of love, we become a very powerful force for good, and our every action bring forth love and happiness in our surroundings. Its the very reason I do yoga and meditation everyday (of course there are many other reasons too :) ). And of course there are many other ways to bring that same happiness, but the key is to do something that will bring in you a genuine sense of love and compassion for everyone and everything. As the new year commences, lets all take a step towards feeling inner love and joy towards life. If everyone does that, then world peace becomes inevitable. All it takes is a small step in the right direction, and heres an awesome way to start! I stumbled across this music video that went viral in England 4 years ago which beautifully illustrates what I have just stated. The song is really catchy, and theres something we all can learn from this. Love you all. :)
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 01:56:31 +0000

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