*Life as a corper* *Episode 252* Adaora soon shook her head, - TopicsExpress


*Life as a corper* *Episode 252* Adaora soon shook her head, sighed and left the room without another word, while my sister shrugged before returning my phone. I couldn’t even look her on the face. I was extremely ashamed of myself. “seriously bro, i’m very disappointed in you. I just can’t believe myself” she rasped, holding her forehead with her palms. I closed my eyes, breathed deeply and poured out the whole story to her. She kept biting her lips as she listened, my heart pounding loudly as i narrated my story. I couldn’t believe i was revealing everything to her, but i had no choice than to. I had nothing to lose anymore. “help me talk to Adaora, but please hide some of the things i told you from her. I just want her back, do all you can” i pleaded after my story. She breathed deeply and shrugged. “it’s really going to be hard bro, the poor girl is heartbroken and devastated. What do i tell her?, I equally feel like stabbing you a hundred times over” she said seriously, dashing my spirit. ____ We spent christmas day in high spirit. Singing, eating, and visiting close relatives after church service. Surprisingly Adaora was dutifully by my side all through that day, behaving as if all was well between us, making most of my uncles to believe that she definetly was my wife to be. I had lots of opportunities to bring up the issue of our relationship, but i kept sealed lips in order not to spoil her mood. Anyway i was very pleased to find her by my side, it gave me so much hope and happiness. I believed with time her wounds would heal, our love and relationship restored. The next day i drove over to Frank’s house to personally wish him and his parents a happy christmas. They were all pleased to see me, but then his mother wasted no time in complaining about Joy {Frank’s girlfriend and wife to be}. I couldn’t believe my ears on hearing that the first marriage talks between the two families has been done. “i just don’t know what he saw in that uneducated girl when there are lots of beautiful educated girls everywhere” she poured out to me, while i stared at Frank who simply looked away without saying anything. I never believed he could carry out such a deed without informing me, moreover we were together days ago. It was very obvious he didn’t want me to know about it, which got me thinking deeply. Yes i alreay knew he was very much in love with Joy, but i never believed he was so much in love with her to have taken such a bold step. Deep down i felt something wasn’t adding up right. To be continued shortly…. {FRANK’S STORY WILL BE LINKED FROM THIS EPISODE ONWARDS}..... * * * NOTE: Hello fans,bcos of the misbehavious of this page i decided to introduced u people to a new page were u shall be very free to enjoy upcoming stories & pending stories. As from next week all stories will be moved to my new page. Am so sorry for d changing of page. Just click on d link below & Like my new page. Thanks sweethearts. https://m.facebook/profile.php?id=401095890048532&refid=46&sld=eyJzZWFyY2hfc2lkIjoiYjU4MGVkY2E0MTk5NWI2OTViYTUyM2E3OWJhZmU4MDIiLCJxdWVyeSI6IlN0b3JpZXMgQnkgUHJpbmNlIERhbmllbCIsInNlYXJjaF90eXBlIjoiU2VhcmNoIiwic2VxdWVuY2VfaWQiOjg4Njg0MDU2MSwicGFnZV9udW1iZXIiOjEsImZpbHRlcl90eXBlIjoiU2VhcmNoIiwiZW50X2lkIjo0MDEwOTU4OTAwNDg1MzIsInBvc2l0aW9uIjowLCJyZXN1bHRfdHlwZSI6Mjc0fQ%3D%3D
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 07:23:17 +0000

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