Life as a receptionist - TopicsExpress


Life as a receptionist RECEPTION I have an advanced degree in Accounting, Public Relations, Marketing, Computer Science, Psychology, Civil Engineering and Swahili. I can also read minds. Of course I have the reservation you booked six years ago, even though you don’t have the confirmation number and you think it was made under a name that starts with an ‘X’. It is not a problem for me to give you seven connecting non-smoking, bay view suites with two king size beds and four sofa beds in each and yes I can install a jacuzzi in the bathroom. I know it’s my fault we do not have a helicopter landing pad and I realise that we are the only hotel in the UK that charges for car parking but that is what makes us unique. I am a front desk agent. I am expected to speak all languages. It is obvious to me that when you booked your room for Friday you really meant Saturday. I have been entrusted with all financial information and yes I can tell you why your bill from March 1984 was incorrect, because obviously you never have any problems with any other hotels. I understand that McGillinties Widget Manufacturing is a vast business that will put us out of business by not staying with us any longer. Yes I am lying to you when I tell you that we have no rooms left, but it is not a problem for me to quickly build some more. This time I will not forget your jacuzzi. It is my fault everyone wants to stay here. I should have known you were coming without notice and yes, I know you would have never had these problems if you had stayed at the Marriott. I am a Front Desk Agent. I am quite capable of checking three people in, two people out, taking five reservations, answering fifteen incoming calls and re-plumbing the toilet in room 34 all at the same time. I am a front Desk Agent, an operator, bellboy, houseman, concierge, housekeeper, sales co-ordinator, information service, a map, entertainment critic, restaurateur, computer technician, postman, laundry cleaner, fax expert, fortune teller and a verbal punching bag. I always know where to find the best vegetarian, kosher and Mongolian restaurants. I know exactly what to do and see in the area, without spending any money. I take personal responsibility for the weather, traffic jams, lost luggage, flat car tyres and the National Economy. I realise that you meant to book your reservation here. It is my fault you confused us with the hotel down the road. Of course I can ‘fit’ you in and yes you can have a special room rate just because you have stayed with us once 25 years ago. I am expected to smile, be sympathetic, console, up sell and down sell, perform, sing, dance, and fix the printer! I will of course warm the milk for your baby because it is standard to have a microwave behind reception as well as cutlery , corkscrew, tea and coffee, towels, sheets, dental floss and all varieties of Cadbury’s chocolate. I will of course order you a local taxi to take you to your destination within a hundred mile radius for £10.00 and yes I am a magician so I can make your television remote control pickup the local radio station even though the signal for every radio in the area has died. And yes it is absolutely no problem for me to give you one twenty pence piece for the phone out of the £50 note that you have just given me. I am a Front Desk Agent, I do all of things and I will try and look busy when the boss is around!
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 12:27:41 +0000

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