Life can be so difficult at times. I am a woman deeply troubled at - TopicsExpress


Life can be so difficult at times. I am a woman deeply troubled at times living a life that I never imagined that I would be living. I have endured heart break and reality of what it is like to live one day at a time, sometimes only living by the hour. As a young girl this is not what I had imagined life to be.... When I married I thought that was for life, but sadly that is not what happened. For the last three years I have been a single mom, leaning on God for comfort and guidance each day. Being a single momma or dad is not an easy road to travel and certainly is not what God had ordained through the marriage covenant. In the old testament God spoke of a Godly woman named Hannah, she was experiencing heart break and sorrow. Her troubles were not only for a day but year after year. She felt alone, empty, frustrated and wept many times. She was barren and could not have a child. She also had to deal with another woman She was the one of two wives to her husband. (a cultural normality at that time) I cringe knowing that as a wife you are sharing each moment of time with your spouse with another....(Something I could not do, and that is why this day I find myself alone) In Samuel we read the account of Hannah, in her despair and her times of sorrow she did not pretend she was ok. She spoke of her heart and openly admitted her pain, and her weakness. I would be wise to learn from Hannah as she took her burdens directly to God. In sorrow, bitterness, anger and in defeat she wept and prayed to God. She poured out her emptiness!! and God heard her!! Many times we keep our emotions, our hurts and our burdens deep within not wanting to share out of embarrassment, self worth or humiliation. When we do this we are saying God you cant help me..... we are not taking our pain or our circumstances before the only One who can deliver us. Before the times Hannah prayed to God she could not eat she was full of emotional pain and so heart broken but after long and intense prayer, calling out to our Father she was able face the day with a new joy and appetite, not only for earthly food but for the filling of Gods Holy Spirit. She was refreshed! I should say Hannah just didnt say a quick prayer on her way to the market square, she stayed in the presence o God for a while and emptied her soul of all its burdens and sorrows. When we come before the throne of Grace and empty ourselves, God will faithfully replace the sorrow, and the emptiness with His fullness of peace. Even if the burden still remains we will be comforted by His mercy and His grace. Jesus Himself said that all things are possible with God. My dear friends I know that many are in the valleys of what seems an impossible situation, bearing the heavy weight of burdens. Jesus gave you a word in the Scriptures,.... He says In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. What a beautiful promise! Come before God this day and empty your self let God fill you with His love and peace.... Let Him wrap His arms around you and find rest in His embrace. Precious Heavenly Father I come before you this day as a woman deeply troubled, I ask for your forgiveness for all the times many of us have taken our burdens to others instead of coming before you. Help us Lord to know that your love is everlasting and that there is nothing that we have done or have gone through that you already dont know. Comfort our hearts and wrap us in your love as we struggle here on this earth, give us the strength and wisdom to listen to your voice each day. Give us peace. In Jesus Name..... Amen Be Blessed My Friends
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 14:17:11 +0000

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