Life can be understood backwards; but must be lived forwards.” - TopicsExpress


Life can be understood backwards; but must be lived forwards.” – Soren Kierkegaard. So reflecting on 2014, I have learned (and lived it mostly) that obedience reaps rewards. This has been one of the big lessons for me in 2014. I had a fantastic year. I have grown a lot. I would almost venture to say that I have grown up! I learned so much about myself by simply opening myself to new experiences, allowing God to do a work in and through me. I had to let go of my insecurities. I still have some as I am a work in progress. I am not perfect by a long way. Some people might think that I have it all together but that could not be further from the truth. I have my struggles but I allow my experiences to shape me, with God’s help. God was really awesome in the way he has orchestrated things. I heard the call on my life a while back, but this year I heeded to it. I stopped running. Nothing can chase you if you don’t run! I was either going to be a hypocrite confessing with my mouth only or actively pursue the things that God wanted me to. I enrolled in Word (Bible) School at my local church and it did a complete 180 in my life! Subsequently I started a bible study group at work that has become so rewarding. Seeing lives transformed on a weekly basis is the stuff of addicts that need a fix! John C. Maxwell defines leadership in one word; “influence”! I decided to do just this, use my influence to affect change for the positive. Pointing people back to the original intent of our heavenly Father and them grasping the love that He has for us, was amazing. I am in my Glory… and so are they! Psalm 8:5 states that he has made us a little lower than the angels and crowned us with glory and honour. Hallelujah! No man is an island though and I know that I could not accomplish anything without my best friend and helpmate, my wife Cynerica. Psalm 128:3 Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive shoots around your table. I have struck gold where this lady is concerned. She has enhanced my life immeasurably. She is my good thing J, as in “he who findeth a good wife, findeth a good thing”. Hehehe. Just jiving! Mrs Jacobs, I’ll be loving you long time! Now to my olive shoots …I have the best sons in the word! I can’t imagine my life without Jordan and Noah. I thank God for their development and the wonderful blessings that they are. There’s never a dull moment with them. My wife is doing such an awesome job nurturing them. Babes thank you for being selfless and allowing me the time to pursue my heart’s desires. I always wanted to work in the media industry and this year (the last two come to think of it) has been outstanding. A big mention must also go to my English teacher at high school, Ms Isobella Godden, you may never fully understand the role you have played in fostering a love of the written word. Thank you from a grateful heart. The doors that have opened for me is because of God’s favour. Now favour is not fair but it is fabulous! I have started to write articles and now have a weekly column on a blog. Do not despise the day of small beginnings! To all my colleagues at Radio CCfm, thank you for giving me the platform to grow. To Preston Jongbloed especially, thank you for your input in my life. Knowing that somewhat has your back and actually actions what he verbalises is very comforting. I simply love the way you celebrate and uplift your friends. You are a great example to follow. One day when I grow up, I want to be just like you. To my colleagues and friends at Bidvest Data, thank you. We spend a lot of time at work together. A lot of the experiences we go through shape us into the people we are today. Like in every workplace we have had our challenges but at the end of the day we overcome them and grew from there. I am grateful that I have a job. It is my prayer for you that if you are not currently employed that your breakthrough will be eminent and that you will bid those two pesky cousins, fear and worry, farewell for good! To my Discovery Bible Study (DBS) at work group, I have nothing but love for you. Keep on pursuing God and His purpose for you and just watch how He will turn your life around. You are special to me and I look forward to what God has in store for us next year! To my family at Lighthouse Ministries thank you for all the hard work that often goes unseen and mostly unrewarded. God knows! Ps Peter Snyman and the rest of the leadership team, thank you for your selfless leadership, it will bear much fruit. To Ps Johan Meiring, I admire you greatly. You have left an indelible mark on me. I will endeavour to make you proud. To my family, I love you. My mom Diane, the rock on which our family is built, you are an inspirational woman, second to none. I don’t know of anyone that could endure what you have in your lifetime and still be as resolute as you are. To my big brothers Donovan and Bradley, my eldest sister Yolanda and my baby sister Chantal, - and consequently their wives and us husbands, who really are my extended brothers and sisters, the fabric of my life could not be as rich without you. To you reading this, you have contributed greatly to this wonderful year. I don’t make distinctions between friends on a social platform and those I get to see face to face. I value our interactions. I value you. The tapestry of my life would be duller without you. I really enjoyed interacting with all of you. May 2015 be what you hope for it to be. Tomorrow is always better than yesterday because of the promise it holds. This year has been tough for some and you didn’t think that that you would make it… Check the calendar again, you are on the doorstep of a fresh start. Take it, embrace it, own it! It is all in you. Activate the dreams that are lying dormant in the deepest recesses of your heart. To my Heavenly Father, where would I be without You? I never would have made it this far without God. When I looked to left or to the right, forward or back, there You were! When I was at my lowest, You have not forsaken me. You have always been faithful even when I was not. What grace! Thank You lord. Psalm 143:10 Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God; may Your good Spirit lead me on level ground. Lord You are able to lead us on, more than able… 2014 It’s been real! 2015 We await your promise… #NewYear #NewBeginnings #FreshStarts #LifeWorthLiving
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 11:01:28 +0000

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