Life goes on at our end of the world. We get up in the morning - TopicsExpress


Life goes on at our end of the world. We get up in the morning and decide what it is we will do during the day. We have been spending quite a bit of time out at our house, allowing me to get some e-baying done. Today, though, I think we will stay home and wash clothes and clean our room. Sound like fun? Jim is doing well. His issues continue to be blood pressure instability and blood pressure related weakness. Some days we have to wait until a bit later in the day to do much walking. Transfers to and from the van are getting easier, with strength in his legs and torso improving with practice. Almost all of his leg range of motion exercises are done on his own now as we get him in and out of bed. It still would be nice to have a mat in the home where he could easily do them, instead of sinking down into the mattress when he is exercising. Our dog, Simon, is always glad to see us when we arrive home at our house. He just cant understand why Jim wont take the initiative to pet him and throw his frisbee for him. The other day he was literally trying to climb clear up into Jims lap to get him to pet him, and even pushed his head under Jims hand so he would. Poor dog. He just doesnt understand... Thanks for the continued prayers on our behalf...We would ask that you pray for wisdom in decisions that need to be made, and for continual healing and strengthening where needed.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 10:29:51 +0000

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