Life is Beautiful-2014 Time to turn the page on another - TopicsExpress


Life is Beautiful-2014 Time to turn the page on another year----this one was a blur---and could have whizzed right past me if I hadn’t made a conscious decision to pay attention to the gift of every moment. Living in the moment is hard---especially when so many wonderful things are happening---daydreaming about the future is inevitable at times. As I look back on my year---I can’t help but be incredibly grateful---for EVERY moment, even the tough ones for they have helped me learn how to roll with life and understand that it is the wonderful times AND the difficult times that mold me into who I am. The year kicked off with friends celebrating New Year’s Eve---and a Boston Marathon waiver from my running club, the Colonial Road Runners---and what a year to be part of this---I did a lot of my training on the course, ran with many different groups of people—made lots of new friends and again learned the power of not just the human body, but of the human spirit. Training paralleled one of the worst winters in recent memory---cold, snowy—just tough training conditions---but we prevailed---this was the year to reclaim our city which a year ago was terrorized by a senseless tragedy---Boston Strong leading the way---it was one of the greatest privileges of my life to be a part of this. After muddling through 26.2 glorious miles from Hopkinton to Boston, I was greeted by my soon to be fiancé. Yes, this was the year God brought to me the man I would marry. For many years I wondered if this would happen for me---I have a full and rewarding life, which I have always been grateful for---and had come to peace and acceptance that if it was part of God’s plan, it would happen. Period. And, so it did. Introduced through a friend’s ‘divine’ intuition (thanks Gail Martin), our journey began in February. We quickly knew it was right---and 4 months later, David asked me to be his wife! We have been planning our wedding and finally moved under the same roof in October This is a time in my life when I have truly recognized the joy IS in the journey. It is amazing when you find the right person, and you know its God given and driven----it feels natural and effortless----if I knew this wonderful man was waiting for me---it would have all made sense a long time ago. That’s not the way God’s plan works----God’s plan is perfect----but I can often run interference----which is futile-because it happens when it happens. Yet another lesson in life and faith. Along with David came his family----you certainly can’t pick your in-laws, but I hit the jackpot---he comes from a faith filled family, with 2 loving parents, 2 sisters, a brother in law and 3 beautiful nieces. They made me feel right at home immediately. During this year, we had the opportunity to share our annual family vacations with each other in beautiful Punta Cana—we are both family oriented people, and I could not have found a better partner for life. I have to think my mom is smiling down on this as it would have been what she hoped for me. Although this year marks the 15th since her passing, ironically through this experience, I feel closer to her than ever. And though she won’t be sitting in the church with us on May 15th, her presence will be felt throughout the whole day. The year has been busy---planning my wedding, celebrating loved one’s special events—weddings, babies, engagements—changing jobs, gaining a roommate ;) and all of life’s moments---watching the circle of life as the kids continue to achieve much success in their young lives, and my Dad continues to display good health as he turns 83 this year—it is a gift to be on the sidelines watching ‘LIFE’ play out on their big screens. It has also been a year where I’ve tried to be more mindful of others---knowing there are many who are sick and suffering. ---remembering to always keep these souls in my prayers. 2014 was an amazing year---so very much for which to be thankful—I think it was a year when I FINALLY tuned into what God wants for me---and a result, I have found peace and love---I am holding on to these with both hands. But for the grace of God, in 2015 I will continue following his lead, continue to be mindful and prayerful of others and remember to always, ALWAYS be grateful for every moment----one moment at a time. “‘Dear God,’ she prayed, ‘let me be something every minute of every hour of my life.’” —Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 16:34:38 +0000

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