Life is Beautiful... The very act of a parent trying to shield - TopicsExpress


Life is Beautiful... The very act of a parent trying to shield and spare his child from certain harm and man’s inhumanity, is a universal message that transcends all ethnic and religious lines whether the setting is in the concentration camps of the #Nazis, or the impoverished, and brutalized land of #Gaza. There is sanctity to life in all of its forms. No label must be allowed to dull our senses and make the destruction of life somehow right, permissible. For far too long we have lived with the labels that paint conflicts as US verses THEM. Labels are assigned to human beings to sap their very humanity from them and to facilitate their oppression, abuse, and death. We see this happening right before our very eyes in #Gaza! The child becomes something less when he is perceived as having the opportunity to grow up and become one of THEM. Their death is somehow dismissed as having attained the act of legitimacy. He was not a child, but a future one of THEM. The death of innocents is spun in so many ways, that after a while, we all become criminals. There are no innocents if one is to believe the #Zionist spin. The value of human life is cheapened. What makes one life more valuable than the next? Don’t we all have dreams and aspirations for our people and children? The dreams that I have for my children’s future and that of my grandchildren, is not one of pain and suffering. I dream of a peaceful life and future for my grandchildren to realize their full potential as human beings. I did not have children to see them suffer or inflict suffering on others. The value and importance of a human life should be not measured by their race and or religion! We are ALL Chosen! The humble peasant that is trying to eek out a living in the wastelands of the besieged Gaza Strip, Afghanistan, or Africa is just as important as the man who sits in an air conditioned office and rarely is his hands dirty. They both are working for basically the same thing. That is, they are trying, to the best of their abilities and resources to provide for their families. They both harbor dreams and ambitions that differ only in their scope and chances of them attaining them, but that does not stop them from dreaming of a better future! In the end, we must realize that ALL life is a sacred and precious thing. Whether one resides in gleaming towers that reach for the heavens, in a mud hut, or in the teeming poverty of a #Palestinian Refugee Camp, Life is indeed BEAUTIFUL... Mike Odetalla 8-3-2014 All Rights Reserved!
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 12:35:34 +0000

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