Life is a a great thing but it can also be the worst thing. The - TopicsExpress


Life is a a great thing but it can also be the worst thing. The way i was raised taught me much it taught me to love those close to me and never ask queistion anyone but to respect them and help first. It also taught me how to learn new things and use what i learn to do bettef and to push through problems of any kind. I have finaly came to tearms with the lose of dad and i want to let my family know what he told me in his last few mounths. First to everyone the reason y this facebook page was used so he could finaly talk to u all and give you his love and thoughts while he could he knew his time was coming to a end and it bothered him some at first because he knew it would hurt us all at him passing. To steven and allison he was thankful for the love and help u gave to him and he loved kharma raydan adam and gabe so much but you all knew that. To samantha he never thought any less of you because of the mistakes you have made so far in life and i hope eiather you sherry or u brent tells her this for me that he always loved her and always will he knew that you could get urself strait and do better for her kids kady bug and kaydan. To ray he always joked that if you didnt learn how to control ur temper better that you would only cause more harm to himself then the things you break like the swiming pool you ran over in ur car lol. But he always loved you for all of the good you did. Mom, Sherry he always loved you both for giving him the joy of having great kids even with all are faults. Sherry he was gratful for the help you gave him over the last few years. Mom you was always in his heart and thankful for the emotional support you gave him. And Ray, Samantha, Steven, and myself are all like dad in many ways such as loveing are family and friends or willing to help anyone who needs it. Having a strong core to which others could lean on and we all share many of those and alot of othef traits but we all shared his stuborn nature lol. This is only a fraction of what i have writtan over the past few weeks but it is a little of what he told me. He belived in all of us and i have started to write like he believed i should do and who knows maybe ill have a best seller soon its at almost 100 pages long and only the first of many ideas i have to put to paper. But i know he is healping me with it. Ill do my best with it and i hope that when i share it with the world it will be liked. I love you all and miss you all to let me know if you like what i have shared so far.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 03:34:28 +0000

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