Life is a beautiful mystery. Wednesday turned out to be a - TopicsExpress


Life is a beautiful mystery. Wednesday turned out to be a really, REALLY tough afternoon. I got a call from the doggie daycare that my dog got picked on in a massive scuffle and was on his way to the vet with multiple bites and puncture wounds. While waiting to hear how he was doing, I took my family in for our weekly chiropractic appointment. While there, my four year old had a massive meltdown and at one point, all three of my boys were screaming in the office. After muddling through, I walked out to the parking lot to discover someone had hit my car and did not leave a note. I wanted to cry. But I had to get my older son to his soccer practice while my husband took my younger son to his. So I took a deep breath and just drove. I dropped my son off at practice and headed to the vet. After getting settled into the exam room to wait for my dog to come out, the craziness of the afternoon had a chance to settle in. I was scared and sad to see my dog, I was angry that someone would do so much damage to my car and not leave a note, I was worried about a big change my parents were making. I was exhausted. I sat alone in this little exam room, staring straight ahead at a little whiteboard that said, Oreo was so brave today!! and then I heard it. My song. I have a song that motivates me and inspires me every day. It is the song that they will play when I give my National Marketing Director speech next year. Im sure there had been other music before my song came on, but I hadnt heard it. I heard the first notes of my song at the precise moment my mind settled into reflective thought. It was beautiful. And it was at that moment I knew something had shifted in my life. I sat in that room waiting, long enough to hear the entire song and then the OTHER song came on that I listen to each and every day - American Authors - Best Day of My Life. Wow. It was mysterious - because Oreo finally came in towards the end of that song and there was more waiting after that, but no more music to be heard. I am sure they turn off the music to the room when you are actively being seen, but still - the odds that I would hear two complete songs while I waited and that the two songs I heard were the two songs in my life that have the most meaning to me right now. Like I said, something shifted on Wednesday night and the world was telling me that everything was okay. So I wanted to share my song with you. And especially this version of the video - it is a special one that was done to educate people about Cystic Fibrosis. It is why I get up and do what I do each and every day with such passion. I wish you passion and purpose in your life on this beautiful Friday! :)
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 19:04:20 +0000

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