Life is a crazy thing! Constantly changing evolving sometimes for - TopicsExpress


Life is a crazy thing! Constantly changing evolving sometimes for the better sometimes for the worse! What is life??? Some say life is what happens while youre busy making plans! Yeah thats kinda true. One thing I can say about life is.. and I think this goes for everybody... Its definitely a rollercoaster!!! like it or not there is gonna be ups and downs!!!! Life is full of triumphs and disappointments. I dont think theres any way to get around that. But its how we handle the bad times that make us who we are! Its okay to stumble.. Its okay to fall. Hey, were only human... and humans are imperfect!!! What is not OK is to drown ourselves in sorrow and self-pity!!! I think GOD gave us two feet so we would stumble an fall and reach out to HIM to help pick us back up. I just want to give hope to anyone experiencing hard times Religious or not. I Have to admit there is something to this GOD thing. People who follow His Word genuinely seem to be happier healthier individuals. And I want to encourage anyone experiencing difficulty in life To reach out to GOD and ask for guidance, ask for peace, ask for the strength and the power to overcome whatever obstacle is in your path! And do not worry yourself with the unrighteous GODs justice will prevail!!! I guess Im telling you to have a little faith (remember faith is believing in something that we can not see). And Gods timing is perfect. His clock is not set on our time thats for sure!!! So dont be discouraged if you dont see a sudden change and dont be discourage if things continue to get worse! Keep Faith & Hope and believe that good things will come even when we cannot see them. The Lord says in Jeremiah 29:11 I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for. (GNT). I will bless you with a future filled with hope—a future of success, not of suffering.(CEV) I like looking at the different translations. And I know I was never really big in church. Always felt I didnt need church to have a good relationship with GOD. Plus the life I lead before I married I would have felt like a hypocrite going to church!!! What is funny though is how good Id feel every time I did go. But lately Ive grown fond of church and this is something I recently learned... What is the one thing GOD cannot do??? HE cannot tell a lie!!! So if he tells me my future is full of Success not suffering, full of Prosperity not disaster.. Then I Believe HIM!!!!!!! So Keep your heads up my friends! Things will eventually get better. For without the sour how can one enjoy the sweet! ( got that little quote from Vanilla Sky : )
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 09:45:48 +0000

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